21-06-2022 05:58 PM
Hi, I'm i received my new sim card and am trying to activate it. When I put my card into the phone, it is telling me "not registered on network"....because of that I can't receive the text message from EE with pin number!!
Anybody help me please??
21-06-2022 08:08 PM
What was the reason for this new SIM?
Is this an upgrade? A replacement for a lost/stolen SIM? Or a new connection?
21-06-2022 08:15 PM
22-06-2022 07:25 AM
Morning @PatMon
Thanks for coming here 🙂
Did you call our customer care team and report the SIM card as lost and have the replacement SIM sent out?
If so, this should be registered for you and not need activating. Does the phone show signal with any other SIM card?
Leanne 🙂
22-06-2022 10:24 AM
22-06-2022 10:34 AM
Thanks @PatMon
In this case, please call us on 0800 079 8586 and the team will help you get the SIM card activated 🙂