05-06-2024 05:05 AM
So I’ve tried adding an extra line to EE (SIM only) for which I chose the eSIM option so that I may get an email and download the eSIM instantly, just like this EE info page said, since I needed data immediately.
I have had nothing but trouble doing this and wasted pretty much just under an hour with customer service that, tbh have been very helpful in my 10 years with EE but are now as clueless as toddlers in a university lecture.
I called them up to fix an issue in which EE thought to upgrade my existing line rather than ADD a line. The first lady promptly fixed that but then insisted that I had to WAIT for a physical SIM to be sent to me before I can download an eSIM. Obviously, I wasn’t happy with this as I needed data ASAP so she offered to direct me to the technical team for which I had no time at that moment as I had already wasted half an hour being on the phone with her.
When I did have time, I called them again explaining my situation and the lady this time said she could help me. Was on the phone again for another 20 minutes and what she basically did was cancel that new plan the lady put me on before and added it again, and she reassured me that I will get an email to download an eSIM. So I had waited a few hours and nothing. The second lady basically did the same thing as the first lady and there had been no eSIM sent to my email.
This problem is extremely infuriating since I had taken time off my day to get this sorted, waiting on holds and going through security questions twice for me to get an immediate eSIM so that I can use ASAP. They both failed to do this and I don’t understand why. I don’t see why it would be their fault, I can only comment on the incompetence of their manager and how the manager was not able to deal with the situation OR that the EE page on the screenshot is incorrect.
Can someone explain to me why I wasn’t able to immediately get an eSIM, and instead have to not only wait a few days but have EE basically waste paper, plastic, and resources just for me to get an eSIM? Which really defeats the purpose of the convenience of an eSIM…
05-06-2024 08:39 AM
Welcome to the community.
Did you get that email that you mentioned with the instructions on how to download the eSIM? Is it possible it went into a spam/junk folder?
05-06-2024 11:11 AM
Nope, nothing at all… i don’t want to spend 40 minutes either calling anymore.
05-06-2024 02:05 PM
OK, thanks @SpecialTurtle
We don't have access to your account here in the community forums. Did they say if the SIM was still coming through the post?
06-06-2024 08:07 PM
Exact same issue with them offer exact same solution and I checked spam junk everything , I got every other email about order confirmation and my direct debit
all I have been told is they can’t resend an email but I never was sent an email
06-06-2024 08:15 PM
Same issue , there process is terrible
07-06-2024 08:02 AM
Hi @Vinutha,
I'm sorry to hear your email didn't reach you.
Have our Customer Care Team arranged to send you a QR code via post?
25-09-2024 10:38 PM
@James_B Unfortunately this awful and ridiculous customer service continues in 2024. I am with physical SIM card now abroad, different time zone, bought a new phone and wanted to update sim to eSIM. So far they only ask to call 150 when it is 1 am in the morning here. This is stupid and ridiculous. When I try to add a new sim they say - you are not eligible, for f sake **bleep** why not???? Also, the application is very buggy, w ensure is buggy… always some problems.
at this point I am going to drop this bl with ee and prefer eSIM somewhere else and just save my number. The most frustrating company I’ve even seen in my life.
25-09-2024 10:44 PM
Via post??😁😁😁 this is 21st century and you are sending QR codes on paper???
damn, people just change operator. This eSIM transition **bleep** didn’t work for me too. ZERO support and help. Everything is so confusing and frustrating and doesn’t make sense AT ALL! Asked for help 150 - no calls. Types HELP - got -“Thank You. All your scheduled call backs have now been cancelled.” This is f*cking awesome!
26-09-2024 09:28 AM
Welcome to the Community @Julia1727373737
If your physical SIM is still active, have you tried downloading the eSIM using our EE App?
Jus the sure you have the latest version on your new device.
Once logged in just click the Manage Icon, followed by "check settings" and select "replace my SIM/eSIM".