30-09-2024 04:48 PM
I have multiple sub-accounts for my family, three of them are children and I need to stop them being able to call abroad unless they are abroad.
So while in England I need to stop them calling International numbers, but if we go abroad then I want them to be able to call back to the UK.
I can't find any way to do this except the spend cap, which makes no sense because I don't want a cap, I want it blocked.
Any ideas?
02-10-2024 08:30 AM
An interesting update overnight that may help others.
As you suggest the phone was already setup the correct way, and we could still call US numbers. So, I decided to change the settings and set them back, on the theory that perhaps the ROAM settings have evolved since they were applied and although the system believes they are correct they are not.
So we went through the menu and set the policy to ROAM EU INT, which it duely responded saying it's now able to roam in the EU and make international calls. So, we went into the menu again and followed ROAMING, GOING, ROAMING OPTIONS, ROAM EU after which we got the same image as above indicating roaming in EU was allowed but international calls were blocked.
We tested it and could still call internationally. On a whim about three hours later we tried calling again and found it was now blocked.
So I repeated this with my two other children, and again, immediately after setting it we could still call, but this morning, 10 hours later, the International calls are now blocked.
Two takeways from this.
1. The phones were in a roaming mode set some time ago that allowed International calls, but the response within ROAMING was not accurate. Setting it to something else and back again, set it correctly.
2. It takes quite a bit of time to take effect, it's certainly not immediate.
I'm glad it's solved, and hopefully will help others.
02-10-2024 02:07 PM - edited 02-10-2024 02:09 PM