14-09-2024 08:23 AM
I'm in France on my Samsung S21, I've connected to Orange and got the text about the 2.47 daily charge for the EU and calls back to the UK. Spend cap sorted etc.
So, why exactly, did it:
1. Not work for 3 days.
2. When I check my bill after simply calling my EE VOICEMAIL(?!) get additional "outside my plan" charges.
I've seen multiple forums and heard many people at this point talk about how EE are getting a reputation for using layers and layers of complication to get away with overcharging under the table. Now I can see why.
How did this happen? And why?
14-09-2024 09:07 AM
In what way did the £2.47 charge "not work" for 3 days? I don't see any explanation in your post as to what the issue was.
Can you post a screenshot from your bill showing the daily charge applied, and charges for calling voicemail on the same day? That certainly sounds wrong to me.
EE CS have access to your individual account if you need to query these.