23-09-2024 11:25 AM
TL;DR - my PAYG SIM deactivated due to limited usage, I'm abroad, but travel back to the UK annual and try to keep this SIM live. I called to reactivate, but my previous balance, which was substantial has disappeared (it says 'closing adjustment' and -£xxx, the amount i had in credit) - ** How can i get this amount back?**
i tried to call, but i was on hold for so long, my local sim card here in asia ran out of credit whilst i was on hold. I'm so frustrated.
23-09-2024 02:27 PM
Welcome to the community.
This is something that you need to speak with our Mobile Care team about. I know of other users in a similar situation abroad that used a VoIP service, such as Skype, to contact us.
Contact Us | Help & Support | EE
23-09-2024 02:37 PM
Hi @Christopher_G - thanks for your response, are you able to refer me to someone on that Mobile Care team that i may try and get a VoIP solution in place to speak with them?
23-09-2024 02:40 PM
Sorry, @timeforacatnap
I just meant you could use something like Skype to call one of the contact numbers on our contact us page.
23-09-2024 02:45 PM
I see. thanks.
are you able to tell me how frequently (and how much) i should topup my account or perform activity in order for my number to remain active?
thanks in advance.
23-09-2024 02:47 PM
Yeah, of course, @timeforacatnap
Take a look at this 'What is pay as you go and flex hibernation, and how do I stop it?' help page. It explains it all. 🙂
24-09-2024 12:03 AM
@Christopher_G : I should not suggest calling any of your contact nos. over Skype. Only the UK Freephone nos. are free to call & don't involve the paraphernalia of setting up a Skype a/c & loading it with credit.
24-09-2024 12:08 AM
As your a/c shows a 'closing adjustment' your PAYG SIM has already gone thro' hibernation & the following period of grace due to non-use & has since been deactivated & completely lost.
When did you previously make a chargeable action? EE PAYG SIMs are deactivated after 6 months of non-chargeable use. You then have a further 3 months period of grace to call EE to reactivate it before it is lost completely.
You needed to make a chargeable action like making a chargeable call or text, topping up or buying a Pack or Add-on, not just using your mins, texts or data from your pack.
24-09-2024 01:12 AM
Last use was around Feb when i was in edinburgh. which is also when i topped up last.
The number seems to be reactivated now, since i'm receiving text messages from EE and i managed to topup an additional 10quid.
so, have i lost the previous balance completely? is there any way i can get it back?
24-09-2024 02:20 AM
If it's been reactivated after hibernation you should have had your balance reinstated.