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Please call to discuss your order


Hi All

I have seen a number of posts on this issue over a number of years, but none seem to have received helpful answers.

I am autistic with severe social anxiety, to the point where phone calls are extremely stressful for me. I have ordered a new phone, only to be told I have to call to confirm details. All the answers I read say that there is literally no choice and it's "call or lose your order", basically.

In 2023, it is baffling to me that a company can get away with something so blatently inaccessible, but we are where we are. This is especially so when the live chat function is also currently offline, and lines are only open until 8pm (compared to Three - the network I just left due to poor coverage in favour of EE - which has live chat which is open until 10pm).

I wanted to know if anyone is aware of any improvements or changes to this policy in recent weeks, or alternatively, whether they can give me any indication of the kind of questions they *might* be asking. A lot of my anxiety comes from knowing I'm going to be asked questions and not knowing what they are, so any pointers would be appreciated.


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@caclewes   What they want to know is unique to you and they just want to confirm a few details with you. Customer services are pleasant and friendly to speak with they are not there to make it difficult for you,   If you was to explain to the agent about your anxiety they will do there best to make you at ease.  I know that this alone could be difficult for you but you really have nothing to worry about.    I’m not sure what I could say to give you the confidence that you need but customer services are there to help you.   But you’ve got this.   What ever you decide to do please come back and give us an update as believe it or not you’ll give others the confidence to make that call when they see that you was able to do this.  I do hope you can do it.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Hi did you ever call about this? What questions did they ask? I have the exact same issue as you