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ee number 150 not working


Hi. I see several people have had issues with the stated ee number 150 not working. Restarting or switching the phone on and off did not work for me. When I was abroad, seeking assistance, I eventually found a chat feature. The queue for help is pretty long though. It took a few days before I got the assistance I needed. However, I notice that incoming messages from ee now have +49 in front of the number. Could there have been a change of location or ownership? Does +49150 work for other people? 

Thanks. That was helpful.

I think that it just took a while for the phone to revert to EE, as it
had already reset.  I just sent a message now and there was no problem
this time.

However, help is more often required from abroad.  How do we text 150
from abroad?  Is it +44150 for texting UK?

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for letting me know @PuckOfPooksHill


You can text 150 and this should send for you with no problem 🙂



It didn't work when I needed it. But never mind. The current problem seems resolved.

EE Community Support Team

Thanks @PuckOfPooksHill


If you have any problems, please delete the contact and send a new message to 150 🙂





I just switched from a tmobile contract to an ee similar yesterday and now can't call 150. The network is set as ee, please help? My old phot number was supposed to be reinstated but it's not.




Sorry typos!

*I changed from a tmobile contract to an ee one yesterday

*my old phone number

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Lizzi13

Are you presented with an error when you try to call 150?

Can you call any other numbers?

Did you upgrade?


It worked for me, thank you.

In the mobile phone go to: Settings > More Networks > Mobile Networks > Network Operators > Select T-Mobile

While in the US it was going automatically to AT&T and texts to 150 were not going through.

I set up manually to T-Mobile, and ... Bingo!

Thank you

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for sharing @diceglia 

I am sure this will be helpful for any customers having this issue. 

Leanne 🙂

On my Samsung galaxy s9 I cant seem to send messages on 150