Resolved! Voicemail
Is it possible to adjust the number of rings before the caller is transferred to voicemail?
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
Is it possible to adjust the number of rings before the caller is transferred to voicemail?
Hi. I am here for a few weeks and wish to phone my mum on her landline regularly. I am asked to select a 'roaming' option or a '+44 ' option. So far ive chosen the +44 option. My plan says i have the same call charges as though im in the UK. Am i cho...
dear sir,I am riding my motorbike from Alaska to Argentina. i am now in Colombia and i would like to see if i can use my phone like i could in north america and as it is in the UK. Is this something that can be done please ? Thank you ...
EE mobile is crap!! All last year cutting off calls? And by the looks of it January the same too?? And EE do nothing to sort it?!!
I am in ireland. I am not getting any signal whatsoever for the past two days. is there an issue with EE?
I am travelling to Thailand in February, what are the best options to use my phone while I am out there?
I’m in Thailand and my Ee sim is not registering any signal. Major problem as I can’t use my credit card because I can’t receive authorization text messages. Any solutions welcome
Any one from customer service call me
I am using iPhone 11, WiFi and internet working OK, WiFi calling is enabled on my phone.I have no mobile signal to my home office so rely on WiFi calling. I can make out-going calls but all incoming calls fail to ring out. The first I know about a ...
I need my phone to make outgoing calls as I'm disabled, I've paid £10