Resolved! Voicemail
How do I turn my voice mail on?
Discussion about Mobile services, like roaming, calls, messaging etc
How do I turn my voice mail on?
Hi, I can't make phone calls on spain?
My phone won’t let me call out it’s saying orange has restricted the calls. I can text and what’s app though. Help
I am currently in spain I cannot call out to any mobiles from my phone. Nor can my sister who is also with ee please advise asap
Hello thereI’m in Nairobi and can’t get any connection to make calls or get taxi. I can’t can’t text travel to 150 as no network. I'm using wifi at a shop just now but can’t call ee over wifi to get help. I am worried now I won’t be able to get anywh...
Is there a way I can change my plan to a cheaper one am struggling paying at the moment due to no work
Whenever I make a call it cuts off immediately. Does anyone know how I can solve this?
Had a proper nightmare Monday 12th June 2023, tried to get Mobile, broadband and BT-TV in one package. after over 4 HOURS on the phone, passed from pillar to post, I got it sorted, a Geordie lass got it all done, then the BT TV package, a Chap from D...
Hi I am going to Canada for 2 months. However, I need to know if I should remove the eu roaming daily charge add on as am worried I cant use the roaming pass I have for canada with the eu on still active?