

I have just received a phone for work and despite the phone being reset to factory settings the previous owners voicemail greeting is still recorded. I’ve been searching everywhere on how to delete and re-record a message as it’s very important for the job but I cannot find a way at all to do so. 
I have called voicemail and pressed 2 and it just leaves a new message on my own voicemail and I have also tried texting 150 but have had no luck. 

any help would be greatly appreciated 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @hashimalkhader 

To reset your greeting, just call your voicemail service, then choose option 2 for Greetings then option 2 again to select the "standard greeting" option for the default option. 

You an call your voicemail service usually by holding down the 1button on your keypad, or by dialling 222, or using the long dial number +447953222222


Yeah but i tried and it doesnt say the option to erase the greeting All it
just says ''To re record your standard greeting press 1'' And ''To keep it
as it is press 2'' Thats all i hear from it it does not say the option to
delete it and go back to default
EE Community Support Team

@hashimalkhader  When you get to the voicemail main menu you press 2 to go to greetings, then it will give option 1 for recorded greeting, option 2 for standard greeting and option 3 for temporary greeting. The options you mention above  about keeping or re-recording are what you should get after pressing option 1.

But you press option 2 on the main menu to get to greetings, then option 2 again that should take you to set the standard greeting which you can do by pressing 2 a final time or pressing 3 to add your name to the standard greeting.


Ok thanks for ur help
EE Community Support Team

@hashimalkhader No problem, I hope you have now been able to set the standard greeting for your voicemail. If you need any further help just let us know.


I'm trying to reset to the standard greeting WITHOUT having to put my name (like it says is an option), but I can't seem to remove my name and just have the default message. 

Can anyone help? 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Jezonimo,

Welcome to the EE Community

If you have a recorded a name to add to the standard greeting, you cannot go back to the standard greeting without name, only re-record the name in the standard greeting or set a personal greeting.
