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Random mobiles claiming I have called them


Hi, I’ve had lots

of calls today from various mobile numbers claiming I have miss called them - which I haven’t! I’ve checked call history too and shows no calls made by me.

I know others have had this too, but EE Haven’t been helpful with what to do to solve this issue. I’m concerned my personal data has been compromised by them if it is a network error as i was told.

I don’t want to change my number if I can help it.

any ideas on how to stop this and on what’s actually caused this? 



My son has just started to have this happen to him today, again he hasn't called any numbers, all saying they have had a missed call from him, he's called EE who have said they can only change his number, he's applied for numerous jobs , sent out C.V s and now this, please can you advise me if your problem was resolved and how please ?

Hi @melllewis  and welcome to the community.


There is no problem with EE that needs to be resolved. this is just someone spoofing a number and calling people, and where it's a missed call, people call it back. usually they move on and pick a new number after a few days.


It's annoying but there's not a lot EE can do apart from offer to change the number, which may not help, as numbers do get recycled, It usually stops after a short while.


I still have no idea why people call back missed calls, as it's clearly a number they don't recognise. If it's important, they'll call back.



Problem stopped but no specific action taken to resolve it. My guess is a network issue that causes the problem but it disappears when whatever piece of equipment Clears its temporary memory or resets. My advice is sit tight. I have seen nothing that suggests it is malicious, just a pain for a few days. 

Sent from my Huawei phone

I have had this now for over 6 months so it doesn't seem to go away that easily. Numerous discussions with EE about how to resolve it, have reset and backed up my phone several times and still it keeps happening. Today's chat with a random recipient of a missed call from my number revealed that they were on O2 so not the same network and that they received two missed calls over two days. So doesn't seem to be generating random numbers if the same number has been called repeatedly. 

Clearly simply changing my number, which I have had for over 15 years now is not a good option and is no guarantee that the new number won't start doing it either.

If anyone has any idea about how to resolve this I would be very grateful.



I have had this happen to me twice in the past month or so.  The most recent today.

I have just had this too - the person who was calling me because they supposedly had a missed call from me even started to argue with me!
Can't get in touch with EE at the moment, but it doesn't sound they have done anything to resolve this issue in the past?

EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @craggieisland and @FrancescaB,


Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂


Our Customer Care Team will be happy to look into this issue if you get in touch.





I have just had this. Random caller insisting I called them. Not in my chat logs. Should I be worried?

I see above there is no conclusive reason for this but it's concerning me.

Hi I had this problem for weeks and weeks last year with up to forty
people a day phoning me on my landline saying I had called them. You can
imagine this was more than annoying.

It seemed that a company (in India? Philippines?) who calls saying' Have
you been in an accident?' was hiding behind my landline number.

After visits from BT to check the landline did not have a crossed line (
it didn't) .

It seemed the story was: people would put their motor vehicle - car or
motorbike on Gumtree for sale.   This company would then call them,
using my landline number, and they would phone me to say they had a
missed call from me ( not me obviously)
I complained to Gumtree without much success.  I had to send endless
emails before they understood what was happening.  Some kind of spoofing
I think it is called.

After many many calls on my part to EE, one thing I discovered was: when
I updated my broadband contract on EE that I had been put on an open
register with my landline number.  I managed to get EE to take my
landline number taken off .  So I made a note the next time I update my
EE contracts to ensure I am not on a register>

you may want to check that you are not on an open register

One of the people who called me - I explained what was happening and
they said they would complain to Gumtree and then magically the whole
thing stopped.

I wish you good luck in sortinng out your issue.  Not sure if it's the
same kind of spoofing

Kind regards
Hi, I had this problem for months with very little help from EE to resolve
it. I received a number of calls from random people, some polite and some
aggressive, claiming that I had called them.
Finally resolved after EE supplies me with a new SIM card.
Apparently it a SIM card issue. 🤷🏼‍♂️
Good luck!
Sent from Gmail Mobile