Internation dial tone when In UK


I’ve had two calls recently where the caller has advised they’ve had an international dial tone when calling me, making it look like I’m abroad.

I’ve been at home on both occasions connected to WiFi calling.

Any idea why this is happening?

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EE Community Support Team

Hi everyone. 

If you are experiencing this issue, please can you call 150 and select technical support, the tech gurus will be able to preform a network reset for you. 

Let us know how you get on 🙂



It’s been happening to my calls over the last few weeks (following habitual “call failed”- iPhone 13/ EE crap for the last 6 months. My last bill was around £102 something…good service.


same problem.. everyone thinks i’m abroad but i’m in UK, has someone outside UK stolen my account?


Lots of reports of the same issue. Surely this is now being tracked as a central problem and not individual issues? 

EE Community Support Team

Good morning all, 

I would recommend giving us a call and speaking with our technical support team. 

The team will be able to perform a network reset should this be required to stop any international dial tone whilst in the UK. 

Katie 🙂


This has been happening when I call my mum who is on 1pmobile (EE) I’m on 02 but when I call her I occasionally get the international ring tone. As someone has already pointed out it’s not the receiving phone or the calling phone that generates the ring tone it’s the network so no amount of resets of either phone will cure this. It’s a network issue pure and simple and EE need to sort it out.

my guess and it’s just a guess is that some calls perhaps at peak times are being routed overseas and called from there. That doesn’t mean you’ll get a silly bill it’s just how the network is routing the call.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @NoviceAngel

Please call us on 150 and the team will get this looked into for you and run through some troubleshooting. 


Hi thanks for that but as I’m on 02 they couldn’t help me

EE Community Support Team

Sorry about that, in this case please advise the person on 1p mobile to report this @NoviceAngel



This has happened to me in the last week or so. I phoned 150 and very nice guy puzzled then reset network settings from his end. It happened again this morning!  It’s intermittent and seems to becoming a frequent issue from this thread.