17-03-2023 11:31 AM
So for around 3 months I have been having little to no network in my home. (Yes I have WiFi) I have been in contact with EE over the past few days they tell me on Tuesday to wait until 6pm they are working on my local mast.
Nothing has changed since. I have just got off the phone to an executive complaints handler. Her first resolution is to use WiFi calling.
I come back saying I have a couple points where that is an issue. I begrudge paying you a service to have to pay another company a service to then to be able to use your service. I pay £54 a month for my 600mb FTTP so if you want me to just use that you need to make my bill free with EE because ou are not then providing me the service.
Her come back to that was well EE invented WiFi Calling. I'm like it doesn't matter who invented it. I still have to pay Gigaclear to use EE's service.
I said my second point is I have a big garden. It's nearly an acre full of trees (I live in a forest, and yes I know this could effect signal but when I moved here in 2020 I had no issues with signal anywhere on my property) On my days off I am outside working on my garden fixing fencing because the wild boars love to break the fences to come into the garden but having dogs I need to make sure they can't escape. My wifi doesn't cover all my garden.
She went off to speak to the technical team or whoever. She came back saying they don't see any major changes in the area happening anytime soon as the mast is optimised and working. I'm like sorry but something has changed because I am not getting any signal and neither is my wife.
She noticed I was out of contract as I haven't renewed my sim only. She goes just leave then. So her solution is for customers to leave rather than fix an issue.
My wife isn't out of contract and relies on me gifting her data every month as we deliberately gave her a low data allowance as I was able to gift 100GB a month. They have given me an option that I am thinking about there but surely they want to keep customers. Fix the issues rather than telling the customers to leave.
I also told her so your 14%+ you are increasing bills this year is to degrade your services rather than improve them then? Because something has happened for me and my wife to stop losing signal at the same time. I have posted on my local facebook groups to see if others are having the same issue because if it was just my phone I would say yes OK it could be a phone issue but it's multiple.
19-03-2023 04:01 PM
@BrendonH wrote:
They don't want to even look at a fault. They just don't care.
Extended network issues can be frustrating, I speak from direct experience.
But I assure you, faults are not ignored just because they're inconvenient.
I can't comment any further without specific knowledge of your area.
19-03-2023 04:13 PM
If they are not ignored then why are they ignoring this one then?
If they don't want to ignore faults why are they doing just that?
Stop defending a company that doesn't care about their customers.
20-03-2023 09:58 AM
So just got off the phone to the executive complaints handler. The text I received just means they are working on the mast but they won't improve the signal.
I said so you degrade the signal to a point many people can't get signal but you won't improve it to back where it was.
My point stands EE wants you to leave and doesn't want to fix faults or just degrade signals
I have my PAC code. My wife bill is now half price and she now has more than 5 times the data her plan came with.
21-03-2023 12:45 PM
I just got a phone call from EE.
They said we see you asked for a PAC code. Is there any reason why you are looking to leave EE.
Does no one leave notes on accounts or talk to each other. He was a bit surprised when I said it's because your executive team advised me to leave and gave me the account because they have no plans to improve the signal they degraded in my area