22-07-2024 06:03 PM
Hi. I had a mobile contract with EE for many years but needed to change providers when I moved house. My number was moved from EE to Three. As the move was happening, someone left me a voicemail. Unfortunately, the voicemail seems to be in limbo (I don't want or need to listen to the voicemail). I keep getting notifications that I have a voicemail but there is nothing when I access my Three account so I assume it was received when my number was registered with EE. But, because I no longer have an account with EE, I can't delete the message. Has anybody come across this before and do you know if EE can delete it to stop me getting notifications? Any help or advice would be most welcome.
22-07-2024 06:12 PM
Hi @eeSteveN1
Once your transfer is complete any messages will be deleted.
22-07-2024 06:26 PM
What is the exact wording of the messages you're receiving?
Did you have a voicemail PIN setup when you were with EE?
22-07-2024 08:06 PM
Hi. Thanks for the reply. I can't remember if I had a pin. I assume I did. The transfer happened several years ago. It's been annoying but I ignored it. I've just upgraded my phone and version of Android and the notifications are a bit more prominent. I thought it was time to figure out how to get rid of the voicemail.
22-07-2024 08:09 PM
Hi. Thanks for the reply. The transfer was from a few years ago. I've ignored it for ages but it's so annoying. My phone is always reminding me that I have a voicemail even though there's not one in my mailbox. The problem is, if someone leaves a new message, I won't know because I'll assume it's the one from years ago.
22-07-2024 08:23 PM
It's highly unlikely a message "from years ago" would still be waiting for you, even more so if you've disconnected since - this was why I queried the exact wording of the message you're receiving, it may provide a clue as to whether EE are generating these or not.
Voicemail PINs are not set by default, so if you're assuming, there's a good chance you didn't have one. I was going to suggest attempting to access "your" EE VM using remote access which needs a PIN - just to be 100% sure.
If you didn't knowingly set a PIN, there's a good chance you didn't have one.
22-07-2024 08:32 PM
Thanks for the info. The notification bar just says new email. When I access my Three voicemail it says I have no messages (I do receive, listen to, and delete messages left on my Three account). I hoped the notification would go away over time but it never has. Thanks for your help. I'll keep looking for a solution.
07-08-2024 11:41 AM
Hi @eeSteveN1
I hope you managed to get this all sorted out, as I know how annoying repeat notifications can be! If you haven't, I would suggest speaking with Three's technical support team to get this checked further.