Cannot receive calls from certain numbers
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30-10-2018 09:49 PM
hope someone can help. I am having trouble receiving calls from certain numbers, specifically my wife and a friend at work. Both constantly get call failed / no such number when they try to call. Others have complained of the same. I have only been with the network for just over a week but the same problem was occurring on my previous contract with a different handset with Asda mobile (also using EE network). This isn’t therefore sim or handset related.
Had a frustrating 40 min chat session yesterday with EE - going round in circles only to be told that the “systems were down” and to try later. I insisted on this being escalated but have heard nothing back.
This is a serious matter as my wife needs to be able to contact me in case of emergency due to personal reasons.
I switched from Asda specifically because of this problem thinking a change to a reputable network and a change of handset (to iPhone X) would solve this issue.
any help would be appreciated but please kindly note that this is NOT phone or sim related as both have been changed recently. It appears to be network related or a specific issue with the routing of calls to my number.
In researching this Online I have read of others having similar problems on virgin network (also EE service).
Was hoping for better support from EE if I’m being honest
thanks in advance
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09-04-2019 01:21 PM
An update on this one...
I know of 3 phones that are unable to call me...all on Vodafone (which may just be a coincidence).
2 days ago I changed the 4g setting on my wife’s iPhone from ‘data and calls’ to ‘data only’ and hey presto calls work again.
Tried it on my friends iPhone and the same happened...worked instantly. I can’t find a way of turning off 4g calling on Samsung for the third phone though.
Anyone any idea what this issue will be? My wife doesn’t mind leaving the 4g calls setting off, but I can’t expect others to do this and there may be lots of other people that can’t call me that I’m not aware of
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09-04-2019 03:47 PM
Hi @domhankinson.
Thanks for coming back.
Did you report this to our Tech Care team so they can investigate it further?
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09-04-2019 03:59 PM
No I haven’t Jon. I had a nightmare on the phone last time being bounced from one dept to another, and being promised multiple times that someone would look into this and get back to me...with me then having to chase.
I thought I would post here first
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09-04-2019 04:06 PM
Thanks @domhankinson.
Our Tech care team will be able to raise an investigation ticket to get this looked at further.
Hopefully someone with a similar experience can help you here if you don't want to call straight away 🙂
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09-04-2019 05:02 PM - edited 09-04-2019 05:06 PM
@domhankinson is your phone in a building or in a blind spot when they can't get through to you? Being inside certain structures can hinder signals.
In your MyEE app go to Settings, Network Permissions and turn on Share Network Location... This might help EE to improve your service.
I know this doesn't explain it all, but it might help somewhat.
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09-04-2019 05:19 PM
No it isn’t location specific. My wife (and others) haven’t been able to call me (regardless of location) since I joined the Network last year - until now when I have changed this setting.
They weren’t even getting my voicemail or an engaged tone. Their phone would just flash up with ‘call failed’ a second or so after they clicked on my number and then revert back to the home screen.
I don’t have any problems with making calls from my phone to there’s
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09-08-2019 03:51 PM
Having exactly the same issue. Telephone wipes and started again. Sim reset and still no success
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09-08-2019 04:00 PM
As a work around, I changed the 4g setting on my wife’s iPhone from ‘data and calls’ to ‘data only’. She can now call me.
I tested this from the other phones in question and this also worked.
All other phones in question are Vodafone.
Anyone any ideas what this problem can be and a more permanent fix that doesn’t involve me asking all my friends and family to change their phone settings?
Come on EE
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09-08-2019 05:53 PM
Hi there @Gray19 @domhankinson
Thank you both for coming to the community.
If you can give our Tech Gurus, a call on 150 we will be able to get this looked into further for you both.
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09-08-2019 06:00 PM
I did...and got nowhere. Thats why we are on here!
Got told it was a Vodafone problem when it clearly isn’t as the Vodafone users in question only have a problem calling me