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Calls keep failing


When I make a call the my network drops out and then my calls keep failing. 
As soon as I cancel the call my network comes back. 
I cannot receive calls either unless I’m in a WI-FI zone. No issues in my area. Signal bars are full but it’s the network that keeps dropping 



EE Community Star
EE Community Star

I note there is no WiFi-calling or VoLTE symbol (to indicate 4G-calling) on your screen. I therefore wonder if the signal bars are indicating another network.

Have you used your phone in this specific location previously? If you toggle flight mode, does EE reappear? If you perform a manual network search, does EE show? Does your phone work in other locations?

What's your basis for saying "no issues in my area"?

EE Community Support Team

Hi @KatieW35 Just on the back of @bristolian's questions, could I just ask, are you able to send and receive text messages?

Chris S


I can send and receive text messages fine 

when I say no issues in my area I mean I’ve checked if there are network/conmection issues and there doesn’t seem to be any

i have tried the flight mode toggle and shut my phone down and re started and nothing changes 

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for letting us know, @KatieW35 

Are you able to make and receive calls in other areas, or are you unable to call and text no matter where you are?

Chris S

@KatieW35 wrote:

when I say no issues in my area I mean I’ve checked if there are network/conmection issues and there doesn’t seem to be any

I assume you're referring to having used "check service status" on ?

Confirmation of ability to send & receive texts rules out a loss of coverage issue. Does your phone normally show VoLTE indicator next to the signal bars?


no it doesn’t seem to matter where I am, I try at home, work and in the car and whilst I’m out, unless I am connected to WIFI …. The calls will fail 

EE Community Support Team

Thanks for the extra info @KatieW35 

Has this only just started happening after working fine or are you new to EE?


This is a new issue and been struggling for the last few weeks. 
Been with EE for over 5 years with no issues like this 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

As per my previous post.... Confirmation of ability to send & receive texts rules out a loss of coverage issue. Does your phone normally show VoLTE indicator next to the signal bars?