20-03-2023 06:24 PM
Yep me again
Now have new S23+ to replace broken S10. Was hoping that might solve my appalling 4G speed. Nope. I'm averaging between 4 and 8Mbps down. The checker tells me that coverage where I am (LU7) is "excellent indoors and outdoors'. It lies. Often the upload speed (I'm measuring with Ookla) is several times that of the down speed (eg last test down was 6, up was 42). I have 'forgotten' the connection, remade it, turned off the hotspot on my phone and restarted it, restarted my MBP/iPad, nothing helps. The other day (about a fortnight back) I was getting a steady 9 megabytes down - and there was a blissful time last May when I got 15MB down (I was in Leicester then, but it didn't last and much of the time it was as dire as it is now). The fastest down I've had is 120. Now I'm barely averaging 4.
This is my only source of a connection, I cannot get landline broadband where I am; I'm autistic and reliant on a decently fast, reliable connection. Sometimes I have to restart my iPad several times before it will connect, no such problems with my Mac, it's just glacially SLOW.
Is there anything I can do to boost speed...? Because I'm paying £30 a month for unlimited data and really not getting value for money.
I did up it from 2.4GHz to 5, but that didn't help (am aware that my iPad, being 3 years old might have problems with 5GHz). Mac is running in safe mode, so there's nothing running in the background which could be causing issues.
I have a M1 Max MBP running Ventura 13.2.1 and a 4th generation iPad Pro running iPadOS 16.3.1.
Thank you
20-03-2023 06:33 PM
You have quoted a coverage prediction, but are citing speed results - the two are different measures. Also you've mentioned altering your WiFi band from 2.4Ghz to 5Ghz, but that's got nothing to do with your mobile network connection.
20-03-2023 06:44 PM
I realise that, it was more desperation than anything. I was quoting what the checker claims, that's all. I cannot be dealing with 4Mbps down (and often, as I've stated, the upload speed will be several times faster than the download). You need to understand that I'm autistic, and might not make sense when I'm stressed.
I've had down speeds of less than 400KB. **bleep** is going on...?! I CANNOT get landline internet here, so this is all I've got. It's not where I am, it was the same in Leicester too. Surely 4G should be around 70-80Mbps....? I can't recall when I last had anything approaching that (save for a fleeting 120Mbps last May). It's rare I get anything over about 30.
Any ideas...? 4Mbps is 500KB/s. In 2023. I can't deal with the stress (I have enough other stress to deal with) and, if I could find another provider, I'd leave, but I'm stuck with EE, but I need better speed.
21-03-2023 07:37 AM
Have you spoken with our technical support team about this? They'll be able to check the performance of the masts in the area to make sure everything is working from our end.