03-10-2024 05:55 PM - edited 03-10-2024 05:56 PM
Over the last few months I've noticed my phone coverage generally has gotten significantly worse. At home, I have almost zero coverage, to the point where I can't even receive phone calls, but even in my local city centre, the signal is so bad phone conversations are constantly breaking up.
I've been with EE since they bought Orange & T-Mobile, what seems like an age ago, and this is the first time my signal has been this bad, and it's at the point where i'm thinking about cancelling.
What's going on? Is 4G getting shut down and you don't have the 5G coverage to back it up? I've checked the "coverage checker" and it does say have pretty patchy coverage in my area, but this is definitely a recent issue. Something has changed.
03-10-2024 06:16 PM
4G is EE's base coverage now, and is still being expanded. 5G is an additional enhancement, primarily in high traffic areas.
If you're having problems with call clarity when good coverage is shown, then there's something awry. Are you able to use mobile data whilst on calls? That's a good indicator of VoLTE/VoNR being in use.
Do other EE users have similar problems in the same location?
10-01-2025 02:36 PM
I have found the same thing, both in rural and urban areas. My coverage is definitely poorer htis year than ever before.
Might this be a volume thing? Too many users for too few towers?
Or might this be a range thing in terms of the range of 5G signal?
Coverage in the Republic of Ireland is vastly superior to coverage in Northern Ireland or GB. Why is our UK network so relatively poor?
10-01-2025 02:48 PM
A few things in this latest post!! In no particular order..
5G signals don't travel any different distance from any other "G" signal, it's not the "G" that dictates coverage patterns but the frequency band in use. EE operate 4G & 5G across multiple different frequency bands with different characteristics.
Low-bands are better at providing wide-area coverage, and thus give more on-screen bars which many users think is automatically better. High-bands don't give as wide coverage (thus some users think is worse) but give much better performance and capacity.
Thus the question when someone reports "my coverage is getting worse" is - what problems are you having using your phone for calls, texts or mobile data?
Increased data usage especially, does demand more spectrum deployed on more sites, and the UK planning regime can often be a major hindrance to new site builds. It's not uncommon for local residents to want the infrastructure installed, as long as it's not visible to them.
15-01-2025 01:08 AM
Sorry about the late reply. But to address your questions:
Call signal: Virtually non-existent at all times around my property. I have to go outside to take calls. Calls more often than not, are sent immediately to voicemail and I will receive a notification after the fact (normally when i've moved outside or close to a window). Call quality (when i can answer them) is poor, wherever I am.
Texts: More often than not I am moving around my house trying to find a signal for a text. These are often expected messages, like verification codes, which is extremely frustrating due to the time sensitivity of the codes.
Data usage: Virtually non-existent. I am reliant on my home (or other) wifi networks for 99% of my data usage. On the rare occasion I get a signal, it's extremely slow (feels like the old 3G speeds).
The coverage checker for my areas describes outside as "good" and inside as "good to weak". I would very seldom describe the signal as good, anywhere I go.
This problem has gradually worsened over the past c12months. Something has certainly changed with the EE network. I wonder whether this coincided with the use of EE's Broadband products, and the network is being throttled to prop up broadband demands?
Nevertheless, EE has clearly expanded their customer base beyond their network capabilities, whilst still racking up prices. And there does not appear to be any indication that this is going to improve any time soon (it's actually getting worse). I'm actively seeking alternative providers at this point, which is a shame as EE (and it's predecessors) was often very reliable.
Those of you reading this who are not yet an EE customer, find alternative providers. The coverage is not as advertised, and they seem to be blaming planning regimes for not be able to meet demand.
15-01-2025 09:47 AM
A very helpful explanation!
What you've described, is poor indoor coverage - it happens. WiFi-calling would seem to be the ideal solution for you - it allows full use of your phone for calls & texts without needing any mobile coverage. Use VoWiFi indoors, and the macro network outdoors, with seamless handovers between the two.
You've extrapolated from this, that EE have expanded beyond their capabilities, yet this would cause issues with capacity and not coverage. Testing alternative networks is a valid action, but do so using PAYG SIMs to get real-world experience of how each network performs in the locations you frequent. Coverage maps for all networks are a well-intentioned and generally accurate prediction, but make no claim to predict data speeds.
15-01-2025 12:03 PM
You have not explained why the coverage has gotten drastically worse over the last 12 months? Explain to me, as an EE customer, what I'm paying for if it's not to receive effective coverage?
I should not have to rely on other providers to simply be able to receive and send phone calls. It's clearly an issue at EE's end, that has arisen in over the recent months.
15-01-2025 12:25 PM
I don't have intimate knowledge of the radio network in your specific area to respond on specifics, and am posting here as an end-user trying to help some understanding.
If you don't want to use WiFi-calling in what is evidently a poor indoor coverage location, then that's your choice. But the facility is offered FOC and would very likely solve, at the very least reduce, your current difficulties.
No network is likely to ever offer 100% national indoor coverage, thus there will always be a place for VoWiFi.
15-01-2025 01:59 PM
You keep failing to answer the question as to why the network has changed over the last 12months.
15-01-2025 04:23 PM
Hi @MrDave2
We aren't able to look into why things have changed in your area in particular, here on the Community.
It might be better to give our team a call, and they can see if this is something that is specific to your account, or something that is happening in your area, but our team will be happy to get to the bottom of this for you.