Terrible coverage in central Windsor



Is anyone else getting terrible data coverage in their town centre? In central Windsor (Berkshire) I regularly have no data connection, just an exclamation mark next to the signal icon on my Google Pixel 5. Is this due to buildings (a castle?), proximity to a railway or anything else? Or too many people connecting to too few masts? It's a real problem given that paying for parking on RingGo needs an internet connection.

Ultimately would a different network be better, or are they sharing the same kit?




I guess LWH

No other network has this problem in the town centre and this issue has been going on for well over a year and a half. 

I find it incredible that on the website coverage checker they can say excellent signal indoors and out in this area, this is clearly conning people in my opinion. 

I have reported the issue also .. repeatedly. I think a year and a half is more than enough time to investigate, implement a plan with timelines and inform customers. 

All the have you looked at the network status checker replies... Yes yes we all have and it say good, but it's not. There is an EE shop in this blank spot get someone to turn off WiFi walk up the street and check for themselves. 

I am not one to get annoyed in comments but this issue is ludicrous with a ridiculous amount of time passed and nothing done other than "looking in to it". You'd think a town with the footfall of Windsor would be a high priority. People come from all over the country and world, they can't even send a text message, use maps or anything when they arrive. 

Meant to say agree not guess lol ! 

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Jm1416

Welcome back to the community.

When you reported this was it to our technical care team? if yes, what was advised on your last call?



To be fair i work in SL4 4 area and have to have a second sim in my phone for data use when in the Windsor area, im lucky if i get 1 to 2M down and 0.5 Up, so i have my s21 ultra set to a different provided that manages circa 100M down and up. Been like that for a year now so do not expect any change to the situation

EE Community Support Team

Hi @CassTG 

Have you reported this issue on the network status checker

If this has been reported, you can sign up for updates from the network team. 


Indeed i have, but I think its more just bad coverage compared to an issue as its just that area as soon as I get a few miles away heading back towards home signal is spot on again and  it is why I always keep a second sim for this reason not just windsor but as a backup plan for any place where coverage varies so not that worried as I have it covered



Yes, I have no reception at all for 4G in Windsor town centre. My new phone is 5G, but Windsor doesn't have this in the town centre. Nevertheless, there is defintley something technically faulty in Windsor with the  cellular network for 4G, as it never works.

Please could engineers look into this, as it isn't phone related. I know this because it didn't work on my old phone, and it doesn't work on my new phone. I phoned an engineer, not long ago, and we went through the motions to try and fix. We had to un-toggle the automatic network connector, and toggle it back on. It worked, but now not working again.



EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @wayhgold,

Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂

Our Technical Support Team will be happy to look into this if you submit a report via the Network Status Checker.



Tbh they reply have you reported this via the network status checker ... I have as have others and nothing changes. 

The ludicrous think is there is an EE shop in the deadzone. .  They could just get the staff to turn off WiFi and walk up the street while trying to use the internet and they would see. 



To be fair i just think Windsor as a whole has poor throughput, sure coverage checker states you can receive 4g in this area but that could be 4g at 1mbps so technically there is coverage. In Dedworth area which is 5 minutes from the centre the speeds are basically unusable for anything other than static web pages, youtube etc is out. I have a Dual sim and just testing coverage on a second provider, lets just say they have spent on their network as they were originally not great. Not tested the speeds in Windsor yet will do that tomorrow but even in Maidenhead just up the road they have 5g inside my house at 5 times the throughput, and i know that some people on this provider get over 1gbps in our depot hence the test. 


I always like 2 sims as all networks are patchy in different areas just appears Windsor aint great under EE.