17-05-2024 05:12 PM
I’ve been with EE for probably 15 years (prior to it becoming EE) and at my current address for the past 6 years. I live in a relatively built up area in Telford Shropshire by no means in the middle of nowhere. Signal has never been brilliant but usually enough that I could watch a YouTube video in any room of the house but the past few weeks peaking the last few days when our internet was down I can’t even get signal to make a call or text in any room of the house
does anyone know if this would void the contract on their side that I’ve got a contract at an address that when I took it out (and many previous contracts) the signal was acceptable but now it’s none existent
I had a similar problem with 3 many years back and it did void the contract on their side
17-05-2024 05:35 PM
T&C's don't guarantee a service in any individual location, 100% national indoor coverage is nigh-on impossible to realistically achieve.
WiFi-calling is offered as a means of extending coverage indoors, and allows full use of your phone for calls & texts without needing mobile service.
17-05-2024 07:20 PM
The WiFi calling is definitely a must as without it the phone would be essentially useless which is fine as long as their is WiFi available
I have noticed just within probably a mile radius from my home location the signal is very hit and miss can go from supposedly 5g to nothing within 50 paces and that’s outside
18-05-2024 08:31 AM
Hi @Skylarr123
Thanks for coming here 🙂
If you would like to discuss your options and get the signal looked into, please give us a call on 150 and select technical support, one of our tech guides will be happy to help.
Thanks 🙂
18-05-2024 09:51 AM
@Skylarr123 wrote:
the signal is very hit and miss can go from supposedly 5g to nothing within 50 paces and that’s outside
It's not the technology that dictates coverage patterns, as much as the frequency band in use.