01-06-2024 04:46 PM
At what point does a nationwide issue stop being considered as just localised?
Considering the fact that numerous areas have very poor coverage, its safe to say the issue can't be explained away as 'its the area you're in, nothing can or will be done'.
In my area, i can confidently state that other operators have better coverage which immediately renders EE's statement of 'best overall coverage' as moot.
In your opinion as an EE Community Star, what gives the service provider the right to make the claim noted above, is there some impirical evidence to back up the claim? If so, where can it be found?
01-06-2024 04:52 PM
Created a profile just so i can lile & reply to this post. I live in the North East and can't have a single phone call without the audio dropping intermittently.
Imagine a situation where you're in dire need of making contact as a matter of urgency & distress, only to find your speech is broken up, all thanks to EE and their ambiguous statement of having the best coverage in the UK - i assume that term applies if you live in a busy urban environment, but not so much if you live in one of the countless rural locations that has next-to-no coverage.
I'm at the point where i've reached double digits with regard to complaint logs, during which i have had to repeat my statement of complaint during phone calls to the company. It is beyond maddening to express the issue repeatedly on the call due to audio drops, have the handler logging my complaint experience the issue first-hand, then be told my complaint is invalid!
02-06-2024 09:13 AM
@Arooller wrote:
EE and their ambiguous statement of having the best coverage in the UK - i assume that term applies if you live in a busy urban environment, but not so much if you live in one of the countless rural locations that has next-to-no coverage.
Of 56 new build sites in the Scottish 4G-infill programme, EE remain the only operator on 28 of them. They were the first MNO to launch on many, and are present on 53 - substantially ahead of other networks.
Other rural areas have their own coverage programmes.
31-07-2024 06:16 PM
I don't expect any support with this issue as this will be the 10th+ time that i've reached out to EE, only to be gas-lit about my problem.
Your signal is a joke where i live, i have missed calls today about the repair of my car. I can't call them to confirm that it's ready and i can't even ring a taxi to get to the garage.
I'm at the point where my medical appointments with my GP are now including EE's involvement as your service has ruined me mentally. I'm at the stage where i'm screaming at thin air and craving alcohol just to calm my nerves. I'm locked in to your contract and i have no way of getting out of it, even though i don't have a working phone and have had this problem for over a year!
You're a disgusting service and i'm counting the minutes until i can leave this contract. I hate EE to the deepest degree i can fathom and i am sick of the blanket tech support of 'let's test the lines - oh there's no problem in your area so there can't be an issue with your phone' during which conversation the call will disconnect due to, guess what, poor signal!
While typing this message, the network had failed around 6 times!
31-07-2024 06:44 PM
You posted about problems back in June, but didn't appear to be seeking help with them. Does your reference to 10+ mean contact made with CS?
Are you reporting an issue whereby you are losing coverage? Or that calls are dropping when coverage is shown? Are you able to use mobile data whilst on calls?
You mention making contact with EE - does that mean you've tried reporting your issues to CS? What have they offered to do about it?
01-08-2024 10:30 AM
Hi @Arooller.
I can understand your frustration at not being able to use your phone as normal, especially when we rely on them so much.
Are you just having trouble in the one area, or had it been different locations? Is it just indoors or outdoors as well?