09-12-2024 03:39 PM
I am about 0.4 miles from an EE mast band 3 and i get a brilliant 4g signal. A couple of weeks ago i noticed engineers working at the mast and wondered what they were doing. After they had finished i was walking past the mast on my way home and saw that i was getting 5g. However, about 0.3 miles from the mast the signal suddenly went back to 4g. So my question is , does 5g travel less distance than 4g
09-12-2024 03:58 PM
@jimmy_bond they will also be doing work to configure the mast to get the best output from it. When 5G came to my area one day I had 5G the next few days I didn’t then it came back and it went on like this for a few weeks. And yes, 4G has a further reach than 5G from a mast.
09-12-2024 04:04 PM
No "G" has more or less range than any other "G" - in crude terms, the radio access technology dictates how the radio is encoded & decoded.
The coverage pattern is dictated by the frequency band in use - in basic terms, low-band signals travel further than high-band, but have less capacity for heavy use. For example, a low-band 5G tech would have much greater footprint than a high-band 4G one. It sounds like a 5G carrier has been added to your serving site, but may be undergoing testing before being fully opened up to public service.
EE operate across 700Mhz, 800Mhz, 1800Mhz, 2100Mhz, 2600Mhz & 3500Mhz - some bands are 4G-specific, some are 5G-specific, others are a mixture.
09-12-2024 05:33 PM
09-12-2024 05:54 PM
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