5G speeds in UK.


The fasted 5G speed I can ever get in Birmingham area is around 125mps but usually around 90mps.    I am travelling in Europe - Germany and Switzerland and in good signal ares - in or close to major cities I regularly get 425mps!!   Why is UK speed so slow when EU countries twice the speed? Are BT etc all fooling us? 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@Frosty46Bham   I can get them faster speeds, it also comes down to distance from the mast and if there is anything in between you and that mast not to forget how many other users are connected to that mast also.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
Chris. When in Lichfield I can sit within 200 yards of an EE mast and
Never get above 150mps. No where in UK have I ever had such speeds. Just
tested my local SwissCom speed again at 5.30pm and it's still faster than
anything I get in UK. Best wishes

I find UK 4G and 5G very poor, EE has a good .. or better 5G coverage than some of the others but the speed just isnt it. 

Three are the real winners for 5G speed in the UK.