14-06-2023 05:36 PM
Sometime around June 1st 'something' changed inside the EE network. Ive noticed that my IPv6 address changed from 2a01 to 2a00 prefixed address at the same time, which i take as another flag that some EE network work occured.
I also note that the gateways IPs have changed and are now listed as BT IP ranges, previously they were EE ranges.
https://www.whatismyip.com/ip/ the same is true for our IPv6 address space, its now BT ranges not EEs.
So i assume BT brought the EE mobile BB network inhouse around this time.
In diablo4, connection stability is non existant, anywhere between 30s and 10mins ingame and the connection drops, changing the IP routing that the diablo.exe is following the 6to4 gateway being used changes and then Diablo just dies.
Other users are reporting the same issue -
Same for WoW, Ipv6 connections nice and stable, but WoW is not ipv6 exclusive and you end up in a situation like this frequently.
This occurs when the gateway changes and the game struggles to reconnect. It does eventually reconnect but this can be anywhere between 1-5mins just in time for the gateway to change again.
Outside of gaming, overall performance through the 5GEE hub has deteriorated massively, downloads swing back and forth betwen KB/s and MB/s, i started downloading a 21MB file as i started typing this post...its still going now almost 8 mins later. Steam which could normally sit steady at 15MB/s (yep 150mbs) struggles to get above 2MBs now and seesaws constantly.
Ive reset my 5GEE hub a few times, im not using a special APN. This occurs on wifi and on lan. Signal to the hub is strong, the tower is less than 500m from my house with direct line of sight and no occlusion from trees (its accross an open field).
18-06-2023 10:36 AM
Hi @sammmmm
Sorry we have no account access on the community, our tech gurus can run through specific troubleshooting with you to help you get this looked into.
21-06-2023 02:36 PM
Have you gotten anywhere Uirel? I'm still having such problems with 4g EE, its not fit for gaming
27-06-2023 09:08 AM
Please keep us posted with this as I am having the exact same problem and it's infuriating. I am rural so have to use a EE 4g home router for connectivity. On Diablo 4 I get between 1 min and 10 mins play before the game loses connection.
27-06-2023 09:11 AM
Works better in the daytime but still not fit for gaming. I have ordered a 30 meter cable and am running from my house, I get 8mps but it's stable and works. 4g from EE is not ok for gaming. No question about it
27-06-2023 12:13 PM
Posted this to someone elses issue, but maybe worth a try?
I created a new profile on the router.
Copy everything the same as your current one, just name it differently, and set to IPv4 only, then set this as default.
Seems there is an issue with IPv6.
Don't worry, you can change back and delete the profile if it doesn't work for you, so no danger
Note: You may lose a little speed, but gain stability.
27-06-2023 01:02 PM
Will give this a try and report back
27-06-2023 01:30 PM
not even sure how to do this, I have the 4g router, and there does not seem to be options to create new profiles
27-06-2023 02:04 PM
Ok, done the new profile and will let you all know
28-06-2023 07:20 AM
How did it go?
28-06-2023 08:33 AM
Sadly it's still happening, I've gone back to the long cable from the house. Really annoying issue that EE don't really care about it seems