13-09-2023 05:09 PM
Hello I recently bought a XGPU giftcard and it's seems it's linked to BT/EE Broadband can you help me cancel it?
13-09-2023 05:30 PM
Cancel what?
Where did you buy the gift card.
13-09-2023 05:38 PM
13-09-2023 07:02 PM
13-09-2023 07:26 PM
Sadly no, please don't write that you can't help me since I'm not a customer
13-09-2023 07:37 PM
EE can't cancel a purchase you made elsewhere. You need to cancel it with Kinguin within your 14-day statutory "Distance Selling" cooling-off period.
13-09-2023 07:43 PM
Bruuh, when I click manage it sends me to your page, people are selling your keys in keyshops violating your TOS as I imagine annd you try to pretend it's none of your business, I hope you don't mean you lack tools to track such a customer and unlink this from my account
13-09-2023 07:47 PM
Please give me a link to this item on Kinguin's site.
13-09-2023 08:09 PM - edited 13-09-2023 08:21 PM
Can't contact friend who bought it now but I'll provide it ASAP later, how that would help my case tho?
Edit: it was seller/merchant argento codes
can't provide link to a bought item since duh