Unable STILL to LINK Broadband to my EE App


4 months on and numerous calls to 150 - along with the same “ I will keep behind this for you” “but it can take up to 5 Days” are regular responses received. 
Why can switch my broadband from BT to EE to make it easier for you and more realistically priced broadband than the £88 a month BT were charging compared to £30 a month elsewhere. 
How long do I wait unable to view my bills / change any router settings / manage my account before I cancel my contract (which I have had 40 years of BT) and switch to a company that can give me access to my own details / history ? 
it can’t be that difficult? Why not leave me on my old BT app if you were unable to set this up for such a long period.  Looking at the forum I am not alone here - come on EE spend some money on software support rather than glossy adverts which boost how good you are ? I might have something to say about that !!!

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Stuart-P 

Welcome to the Community!

We want to make keeping up with your account as straightforward as possible, so I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you've been having.

It would be best to get back in touch with the team, and they can give you a more accurate update about what is happening with your acount, and your options moving forwards.



How many times have I been told the same thing “yep we will get this sorted but it will take 5 days “ - please just check on my records and you will see why I won’t waste another 25/30 mins of my life asking for the same thing that someone I last spoke too was handling it 
Sorry - I just want to be able to check my bills are accurate - is that too much to ask ? 


EE Community Support Team

It's certainly not too much to ask @Stuart-P 

I'd love to be able to help further but we don't have access to your account here on the forum. I understand why you wouldn't want to call in again. The next steps would be to raise a complaint. You can see the ways to do that here Make a Complaint | Contact Us | EE


I have raised a web based complaint and currently don’t hold out much hope again of this getting sorted. 
but let’s see if I get any response by 7 days