24-09-2024 02:49 PM
Last week I could view all upgrade options, as of the weekend it just says
Hey SM, just so you know, we're unable to let you upgrade or get another phone yet.
Decided to contact EE via chat but what a waste of time, 2 “experts” and an hour of wasted time.
just kept offering to upgrade me (I want to compare and make an informed decision, not have something pushed on me via chat)
one then told me it looks like a problem “at my end”
my end? There is no “my end” I log in and then it’s all EE
laughable if it wasn’t so tragic.
24-09-2024 06:37 PM
Hi @inked,
Welcome to the EE Community
I am sorry for the experience you have had on chat, I can understand the frustration.
What does texting UP to 150 report, the same message about not being eligible or something different? If it says the same, something has changed on your account regarding eligibility. Had you generated a PAC code or setup a move to SIM only in advance since last week, anything like that?
If the text reports eligible but the issue remains in the online account, that would require our technical team taking a further look at the online account.
24-09-2024 06:46 PM
Just checked and get this (screenshot below). The chat advisors were offering upgrades too.
The frustration is that other than buying a new iPhone (not through EE, direct from Apple so not an upgrade or anything that should have made any adjustment to my account) nothing has changed.
It seems to be a technical error which no-one on chat seemed to want to acknowledge (suggestion of a problem at my end???) but rather wanted me to get them to upgrade me - without having any idea of ALL of my upgrade options.
25-09-2024 04:39 PM
@inked Thanks for the update, everything does look ok account side then and it is just the online account with the issue. I presume they did have you check this when you were chatting, but had you been able to test on another browser ?
If the issue with the online account does persist across different browsers/devices that is when our technical team would need to take a look for you. I apologise your experience was not what it should be when you got in touch with us on chat, but when you do get a chance our technical team can take a further look for you. If they are unable to resolve it directly they can raise a ticket for you to the EE ID team to help resolve.
25-09-2024 04:54 PM
Hi, thank you for your time.
I’ve tried on my phone, iPad and desktop across both safari and chrome browsers, cleared website data etc.
unfortunately the issue still persists.