03-09-2024 11:44 PM
So I pre-ordered the pixel 9 pro fold and had no emails about it, so I contacted the live chat for an update phone was due for release on the 4th September I contacted on 3rd of September for an update, this is what I got, customer service had lied to me telling me I had to wait 14 days till it arrived and then stated he can cancel the order and make a new one with a different phone, I then said I'm not happy and it's ridiculous as I pre-ordered the phone the day it was put up on sale. After 1 minute I get a message back stating the ordered been picked and ready for delivery.
Customer service should not be lying to their customers it's a serious case of mis-selling and I'm sure the FCA won't be happy with this, I've made a formal complaint to EE and depending on their reply I will be taking this further
04-09-2024 08:30 AM
If EE don't have stock they cannot send the device, this is common for shipping delays with new popular devices at launch if stock is low and demand high.
It's not mis selling as you will receive the device just not on on release day, the operator gave you another option. They also haven't sold you anything and you haven't accepted anything.
Keep checking EE order tracking: https://ee.co.uk/s/apps/appsorder/customer/#/listOfOrder
04-09-2024 09:14 AM
I see you don't read and only ever stick up for this company, they did lie and they are mis-selling, if you read the whole post the guy states after me complaining to him that the device is infact going to arrive when it should of, he lied to me to get a sale
04-09-2024 09:33 AM
So you were told it would be dispatched within 14 days, and it was, so not a lie.
04-09-2024 09:39 AM
🤣 why are yous people sticking up for this company when it's clearly he was telling me it's 14 days for dispatch (when ordering had already been picked) due for delivery the day after I spoke to him, he has stated he will cancel the order and I can place a new order with him. The guy knew exactly what he was doing, putting doubt In my mind so I cancel and order through him so he gets his commission and hits his KPI
06-09-2024 12:34 PM - edited 06-09-2024 12:35 PM
It's so they can keep their precious " EE Community Star" badges intact.
You were clearly mis-sold. But I'm not surprised, as it seems a company wide mandate to lead customers on.
They sat on the information that they would not be able to fulfil all their orders. But they kept quiet and allowed the pre-orders to keep rolling in.
And, if not one person in EE knew how many devices they would be getting in then that's even more damming.
06-09-2024 12:47 PM
I honestly don't get it, the person told me 14 days for delivery but he will cancel and order me a different phone when I complained back he said it's on its way, it's clearly a lie, he said it to get me panicking and cancel my old order,
It's not just this that's they've lied about now I'm having problems with the trade in, not one person knows what they are doing. On the website it stated you get £624 for trading in your old phone when purchasing the pixel 9 pro fold, but it doesn't work when following the instructions.
They are just full of lies and mis-selling
06-09-2024 12:48 PM
Let’s put this into perspective the device didn’t come out until the fourth and they were enquiring on the third. So basically they jump the gun on trying to get an update on something that hasn’t been dispatched or even released.
06-09-2024 01:19 PM
Or more to the fact the phone was due to be delivered on the 4th due to preorder the phone was ordered on the 13th august and had no communication from EE about anything, but guess what? When I asked for an update after the lie it had been dispatched 🫣 another community star
06-09-2024 01:35 PM
The "Community Star" Tag living in peoples heads rent-free.