Leaving EE


I am leaving EE too after having been their client for 18 years- Suddenly EE increased the price of sim only by about 70 % for  and removed EE roaming etc.  How certain i can be that EE will not increase price in 6 months again?

Spending hours to get to a customer service that hung up when i phoned to get PAC code- Eventually in the second call lasting 30 min waiting time i got the order for PAC and, Sadly i am looking forward to leave EE. EE was goo until this recent change but not worth staying with EE now.

I have my work mobile phone on Vodaphone and wherever i travel the network seems equal- in some cases Vodaphone network is stronger.

It may not be long till EE start cold calling to offer us freebies get back to EE

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I'm the opposite - my work uses Vodafone (guess this is what you meant to say) and even when EE only has one bar it's still quicker than Voda with full bars. Guess it shows that every area is different!

I know there's annual price rises but they're only inflation so 70% or whatever would only affect you moving to a new contract surely.