20-05-2024 03:58 PM
It has been a few weeks since I have been trying to access my invoices and I can't access or download any invoices off the EE website. I called and the team member said they would post the most recent two invoices to me as there was a system fault. It still seems to be a problem. And I have not received the bills in the post. Does anyone have any ideas please? When will EE fix their system so we can access the bills we have already been charged for? Really not good enough!
24-10-2024 11:59 AM
I've always been able to download the company invoices online and since 2 weeks I keep trying (different browsers too!),
but it's not working. Not by viewing and not through the Bills & Payments option.
Very frustrating , because I need the invoices for 2 companies, I'm dealing with.
I will see if I can get through with Customer Service to ask them to forward me the invoices.