20-05-2024 03:58 PM
It has been a few weeks since I have been trying to access my invoices and I can't access or download any invoices off the EE website. I called and the team member said they would post the most recent two invoices to me as there was a system fault. It still seems to be a problem. And I have not received the bills in the post. Does anyone have any ideas please? When will EE fix their system so we can access the bills we have already been charged for? Really not good enough!
20-05-2024 04:01 PM
I also cannot access my invoices. EE should put a note on their website to apologize and advise the billing system is not accessible. How much time are they wasting if no-one can download invoices?
20-05-2024 06:51 PM
Hi @Claverham
Welcome to the community.
I'm really sorry that you haven't been able to access your bills. I recommend speaking with our Mobile Care team to see if they can check what's happening and check on those ones that they posted too.
20-05-2024 09:24 PM
Thanks for that suggestion Chris, I did call over a week ago, but it really shouldn't be up to me to chase EE again.
I'm not asking for anything other than the absolute basics here. Companies should be able to give customers invoices for services rendered. Temporary system outages are understandable. This is unacceptable going on for multiple weeks.
EE should be publicising that their systems are down and apologizing to their customers on the very website that customers are wasting their time on trying to get the invoices. Annoyingly, these are invoices that are being deducted from the customers bank accounts (without the customer able to see what is being charged). It is really quite ridiculous if you stop and think about it!
21-05-2024 09:56 AM
Hi @Claverham,
There isn't currently a outage with the EE app, so our Technical Support Team would need to raise a single user fault for your individual account.
You can contact the team directly on 150.
I understand your frustration and the team will make sure this is resolved as quickly as possible for you.
23-05-2024 01:22 PM
I too have had this issue for more than 3 months. I can login to my account and change my password, see my Profile etc but billing never works. It isn't an 'account; issue, it's a website issue and the billing retrieval that has been the issue for months.
I have called 150, logged support tickets, had my account deleted and reinstated....this is such poor service.
23-05-2024 02:15 PM
Hi @46sol
I am very sorry to hear this.
When was the last support ticket raised to get this fully looked into?
Leanne 🙂
14-06-2024 10:42 AM
I've tried again. Called again and been told that the app will work fine and the website will be fixed on Monday. The app tells me that there is a problem and to try again later - so the app is the same as the website.
Do I believe that it will be fixed on Monday? I will of course wait and see but who is telling HMRC that i have no VAT invoices and clearly I am not the only customer affected in this way, and in this way for a long time.
How do I request paper invoices to be sent to me from now on, and for the last 6 months?
Once I have those then it seems as though the best option is to take my business to someone that can come up with a way to provide an actual invoice.
30-09-2024 01:46 PM
I can't access the billing system either. When I click on view bill, the page refreshes but doesn't take me to the billing system. Extremely frustrating as there is no notice to say that there is an issue. I have tried using two different browsers but both have the same issue.
30-09-2024 05:07 PM
Hi @ltrownson,
I am sorry to hear you are having an issue viewing your bills via the website, what happens if you try and access the bills via the app, is there an issue also?
From what I understand, you are clicking the View bill button that is presented on the home page. If you select Bills and Payments from the banner along the top of the web page instead, does the bills and payments page load ok then?
Have you been able to access your Bills and payments page in the past ok?