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No data since EE moved me to a 30-day rolling sim plan.


Hi all please help, I have had no data now almost 4 days and EE can tech support do not know how to fix it!!! It all stemmed from the following:-

I received a text off EE telling me their SIM plans are changing and I will be automatically moved to a new 30-day rolling sim plan. (£18 for 25GB data) i previously paying £13. Unfortunately since the change took effect 4 days ago I have had no data.

After numerous calls to EE they tell me this is a known issue with this £18 for 25GB plan. After trying everything unsuccessfully tech support told me the only way to solve the issue is to go onto a different plan so they put me through to retentions.

Retentions then told me they can't give me 25GB of data for £18!!!??? and told me this would cost me £28 for 25GB data!!!??? Obviously I refused this and retentions told me they would take -£10 off each month to make it £18 (as if they were doing me a favour) even though I have EE telling me via text my new plan is £18 for 25GB of data!

They then tell me now that I'm on the new £28 plan and not the £18 plan my data will now work once I restart my phone. I restart my phone like advised and I still have no data.

I ring EE for the 8th time and they are baffled why I still have no data and tell my to reset my network settings and it should work. I follow there instructions and restart my phone but once again there is still no data. 

I call for the 9th time after spending many hours worths off calls to EE and they still have no clue as to why I can't get data on ANY plan even though on my old plan the data worked fine and I had no issues. I asked them to put me back on my old plan but they can't.

So now I can't get data on any plan so obviously I will have to leave EE but surely other users must be struggling with this issue as they told me it's a known issue!

Therefore have any users been through this new plan - no data fault with EE!? If so how did you fix it? I find it baffling a huge company can't give a customer any data due to a "new plan data glitch" and tech support can't fix the issue so far I'm into my 4th days with no data and it is causing me huge problems as I don't have access to WiFi at work.

EE Community Support Team

Hello @Daz118

Welcome to the EE Community. 

Do calls and texts work OK?

Have the team recommended trying a replacement SIM?

Are you aware if a ticket has been raised to get this investigated further?

Speak soon, 
