04-02-2025 11:48 AM
Hi I have a 1.6gb connection and I have smart hub pro and extenders, I keep having slow speeds when using the 6ghz band if I turn of WiFi 6e mode on the iPhone what turn off the 6ghz band I getting full speeds on the 5ghz band, I havetested from router and each extender with a Ethernet lead speeds are at full speed
i have rebooted all device and some times that works, I even used the reset button, but it still happens, has anyone else had issues with speeds on the 6ghz
04-02-2025 02:03 PM
@Bluenose_Dave Have you tried a network reset on the iPhone ?
06-02-2025 11:14 PM
Yes I have reset network settings and no change. I leaning towards it being an issues with the pro extenders and 6 ghz. I using WiFiman what shows physical speeds and it drops to 816 Rebooting extenders usually works short term. Resetting the extenders with a pin again only short term fix.
07-02-2025 08:04 AM
@Bluenose_Dave What speed do you get with your Ethernet connected testing. On the 5ghz is it also running full tilt speed test wise. And hope you know, FW product updates for the Pro and would assume the Smart Wireless are coming out thick and fast, that is now 3 updates reported in a matter off weeks....
07-02-2025 10:35 AM
Hi jim I hope you are well and good bud
ethernet speeds are 1680. Most of the time the 5ghz run at full speed just 6ghz speed issues and having to reboot, I hope to get a Mac mini soon what is WiFi 6e, my wife’s iPhone is WiFi 6e and same issues, I think I got a FW update this week as the router restarted at 3am
07-02-2025 11:27 AM
@Bluenose_Dave Wi-Fi6e was the one before 7, and that introduced the 6Ghz band to router's and devices, history and not going to far back, is wi-fi 4,5,6,6e,7 and there was all different thoughts what was best, how to use etc. Wi-Fi 7 SO new and lot's of catch up with manufacture's etc, one bad update has been known to cause havoc, and that's the hard part to pin down who is to blame....
The way you have your system is by far the best, wired backhaul, but even that can get messed up by ONE stupid update, you just got to work it all out, and be precise to what is done, you must be expert at it now having gone through the gambit off getting the whole thing working...
07-02-2025 11:39 AM
I said about 6e as it also uses the 6ghz band, my concern with the pro was the fact EE are doing the software themselfs, as we know how bad thing can go with ee , so yes it yet another speed bump on the ee road and there been a lot of speed bumps on the 1.6gb journey with ee. I not called next gen yet about this issue but it been like it since before Xmas
another strange one is on the router web page and WiFi repeater section they show as connected at 1000mb Ethernet connection, I have to Ethernet into the repeater and run a speed test and then it shows as a 2.5gb Ethernet connection, it still feels like it an open beta trial on these speeds and the new hardware from EE
14-02-2025 11:59 AM
I sent an email to a contact in the original next gen team to see if there was any known issues like I am getting on 6ghz band but no known issues. And to call next gen team with I have some free time