Guaranteed download speed not high enough to stop service dropping out.

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Switched from BT to EE on 05/08, checked that my download speed what at the level guaranteed (44.91Mbps) and all seemed ok for a day or two. Service started dropping out after a few days, went through the test procedure on the EE site and was informed of a fault, engineer was booked to investigate. Started monitoring my download speed and it was only half of the guaranteed speed, sometimes as low as 18.8. Engineer arrived on 13/08 and said the only way the problem could be solved was by asking EE to raise the cap on the download speed. He did this via a phone call after he left and after I reset the hub all was ok again, download speed was back to 50 or more.Within 2 days it all went pear shaped again.I kept a check on how often the service dropped out and it happened at least 4 times a day from 15/09 - 25/09. During this time the speed was generally around what it should be but the service was still dropping, yesterday and today it has dropped out several times and the speed is back down to 27Mbps. Tried phoning yesterday and ended up on hold for what seemed like an eternity while constantly being told by EE how important my call was to them. Really don't know what to do next.

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Brilliant Contributor
Brilliant Contributor

@jaketheplumber The flip side, the EE Smarthub+ router is good at finding a very poor line, excelled at doing that! Hope your new line keeps good, old one probably been there since year dot, keep an eye on you sync speed, as i said previous 10 days of the green box electronics keeping an eye on everything and adjusting to give you the best it can do!!!👌

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Established Contributor

Yes the engineer told me the line would take a while to settle and to expect the download speed to be a bit up and down for a week to ten days, but said he'd be very surprised in the service bombs out completely. 

Hey @jaketheplumber  I am so glad  they seemed to have sorted your line.

The speed thing is a bit of a hangover from the older ADSL days, if you are on a new port and new copper line and if they have reset DLM it should be like a new install and you should be on your best speed.  Yes there may be monor speed/sync variations, but not too much. But do keep an eye on it until you are confident it is not dropping.

As for the next steps, and you can use this thread to help, is make sure you have a list of the dates where you first reported the issue, the dates when people were supposed to fix things, did not turn up and so on. Use your notes when you speak to EE about compensation. Alas faults do happen, and your line may well have had issues with BT, but they should be fixed in a timely manor after they are reported. So do follow up with EE, it will help them get better, but also you can use your new found knowledge to helps others.


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Yes indeed, I will keep checking back here to see if my experience can be of use to anyone else who is struggling to get a response from EE.

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Still having lots of disconnection issues here, from listening to what the engineer told me I was expecting a few ups and downs with the level of download speed and yesterday it dropped below the guaranteed level for the first time since Monday. Just checked the technical log and its disconnected over thirty times since 7am today. Most of them have only been for a few seconds so I guesss it's EE juggling with the cap level to see what is the lowest they can get away with. The service has dropped completely a couple of times but it's back up to full level again now. Will have to keep monitoring I guess. 

@jaketheplumber  You really should not be getting that many disconnects, one or two in the middle of the night now and then can happen. But regular disconnects suggest the fault was not found or the same fault is still on the new line he moved you to.

Is there anyway you can save the log file in text or csv and attach it to a post?

For sure it is not EE that are jiggling the line, for one they can’t. There is a system in the cabinet called DLM (Dynamic Line Management) that monitors your line for noise and drops, and adjusts your speeds until it sees a stable rate, it is that that does the jiggling as you call it.

 I suggest  you give EE another call, tell them you still have the fault, and see what they come up with next.

Have they replaced the router yet?

What were the last sync speeds you saw recorded by the router.

I still think you should do the test from the the test socket & measure them again, if only to prove the underlying fault is on the EE side.

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To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP
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Sorry it would be difficult to copy the log file. it covers 3 pages just for today. No they didn't replace the router because it wasn't showing any fault after the  engineer finished.

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Last recorded by the hub Down 64.5 Up 19.63 which is about what it was reading after the engineers visit, earlier today it was only 32.5 that was just before it bombed out.

Just checked with thinkbroadband and it's 54.1 and 17.4

Yes, that "Last recorded" is about right. Said it should be about 70 Meg. But now it gone down to 32 Meg (about the same as it was about 2 weeks ago when I last looked at it) & I expect that the upstream has gone down drastically. The DLM is reacting to noise somewhere & the engs seem no nearer isolating it. 

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up > 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB > 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB > 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU > 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU > 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC > 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC > 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC > 2022:EE 80 Meg FTTC SoGEA > 2025 EE 150 Meg FTTP