27-09-2024 03:29 PM
Switched from BT to EE on 05/08, checked that my download speed what at the level guaranteed (44.91Mbps) and all seemed ok for a day or two. Service started dropping out after a few days, went through the test procedure on the EE site and was informed of a fault, engineer was booked to investigate. Started monitoring my download speed and it was only half of the guaranteed speed, sometimes as low as 18.8. Engineer arrived on 13/08 and said the only way the problem could be solved was by asking EE to raise the cap on the download speed. He did this via a phone call after he left and after I reset the hub all was ok again, download speed was back to 50 or more.Within 2 days it all went pear shaped again.I kept a check on how often the service dropped out and it happened at least 4 times a day from 15/09 - 25/09. During this time the speed was generally around what it should be but the service was still dropping, yesterday and today it has dropped out several times and the speed is back down to 27Mbps. Tried phoning yesterday and ended up on hold for what seemed like an eternity while constantly being told by EE how important my call was to them. Really don't know what to do next.
28-09-2024 08:56 PM
The socket should still come apart. Follow Linebox NTE5C User instructions to get to the test socket. You'll need a dingly DSL micro-filter to plug the router into the test socket.
Forget the phone voice test but still test the router in the test socket.
@Mustrum : We don't know yet whether the issue lies on the OR side or is internal wiring.
28-09-2024 09:05 PM
@XRaySpeX Would not have thought that any competent OR engineer would have connected up extensions especially to the new NTE5C socket, and it does not matter unless he connected them to the main line, which is totally wrong! So unless there is weird home wiring star pointed somewhere, but you never know sometimes just quick to get out the door.
28-09-2024 09:35 PM
@JimM11 : Why not? The NTE5C is designed for a home wiring connection & incorporates an IDC for that purpose. It is no diff logically from the older NTE5. Only the Mk 4 VDSL Filter isolates the data wiring from the voice wiring. We don't know which the OP has.
28-09-2024 09:40 PM
@XRaySpeX He told you that he does not have a split faceplate!
28-09-2024 09:47 PM
@jaketheplumber To eliminate any possible internal wiring issues, have a look about unless you know for any possible extension sockets BT/OR in various rooms of your home, especially if you know that once there was a telephone plugged in at some time in the past.
28-09-2024 09:48 PM
@JimM11 : Ah, OK, he has the Mark 4. That will help.
28-09-2024 10:04 PM
@XRaySpeX Got where you were going with it, and you are correct about your thoughts, have found that in the most engineers are fairly competent in what they do, and you just never know even a new master socket can sometimes turnout to be bad when first fitted and possible that they don't ask if there are extensions fitted may just be time constraints. If existing error change the master and see were it goes from that point.👍
29-09-2024 07:56 AM - edited 29-09-2024 08:06 AM
@jaketheplumber Your fault is looking like you have either a bad line connection this can be external or internal to the home if you happen to have extension sockets, a bad master socket, possible cable from the socket to the EE Smarthub+, or even a bad router. Where you captured your picture in the technical log, you will also see there was a tab for events, if you open that one, you get pages of recorded events that the router logs, and associated along with your orange light that you are seeing if you were to look, then you may see 2 entries, they will look like this.
"DSL connection lost" "DSL connection established" when the line has an issue this may be recorded at the EE router.
1. Did your previous router work ok, no such similar faults like you have now.
2. Was the master socket changed when you had the install done, or replaced when the engineer came to check your fault.
3. In the box supplied by EE for your smarthub+ there is a ADSL filter, you could pop the front of the master socket, to do so just squeeze the sides and gently pull the front faceplate forward, put the filter into the phone style socket that you will see, release the cable from the front plate, and plug it into the filter, your router will reconnect to the line. It will be a little hard to tell now as DSLAM of OR has forced your router so low in speed to try and get a steady and working signal, so you can only monitor what is going on, if the fault persists you will see orange light again and recorded the 2 DSL from above.
4. This may just be the easier, send the text from your mobile earlier in the post, the EE system recognises the associated number with your account, knows your address, and goes out and test's your line and router, once it completes, you will get a text before and after back, just read those, if they ask you to respond then do so. Will save you hanging on the phone for hours.
So you know, the ADSL filter is not as good as your Master Socket Front plate, so speeds on that are always just a little bit lower, it can happen that you get a bad one, but that is very few and far between. As you did drop the landline there was a need for the OR engineer to do a slight connection at the green street cabinet box, so that may have started the issue, but when the came to first check, they would do your home, test then go to the green box do same test, record the results, they have to do this, it is an EE requirement for an OR engineer to report back the findings.
29-09-2024 12:49 PM
Here is the event log you were asking me about
As you can see the connection was lost 8 times between 14.49 and 20.45 0n 27/09/24
Re your questions
1. No I had no problems at all with the BT hub I had previously, all working fine for 7 years or more.
2. No the master socket wasn't changed, just the faceplate.
3. There was an ADSL filter supplied but as everything seemed to be working perfectly after the install I sent it back with all the BT kit. As you say and I know from experience that speeds are always lower using a filter so I didn't think I'd miss it.
Maybe I should have said before, I live in a retirement development of over 50 apartments which as far as I know are all fed from the same green cabinet outside the main gate. I don't know if this has any bearing on the problems I'm getting, the property was built in 1987 and I've no idea if the cabling to the apartment has ever been updated in all that time.
29-09-2024 12:55 PM
I only have the one socket and there are no extensions anywhere in the property.