Random lag spikes


Hi there, I’ll try to give as much info as I can as I’m not the most technical of people. About a month ago I started to have random lag spikes WiFi my router and also the guaranteed download speed was also not being met. I am on the gigabit plan and was supposed to be getting at least 700mb. 

i was sent out a new router and that didn’t solve my issue and also stopped my home phone from working which has now been fixed. An open reach engineer came and eliminated all hardwire possibilities in the home such as the Ethernet cable and upgraded the ont port to 2.5gb but being hardwired into the router was still below 700mb/s (around 300) although WiFi showed 600 which he put down as a bad result. He suggested I needed a line rebuild to fix the issue.

Another engineer has came to fix the fibre line at the cabinet, although the speed was initially still lower than what was guaranteed at first after a few hours it did jump to 900 but the issue with the lag spikes over WiFi still persist. 

I have not had any issues before this started and my ping was around 20ms or so consistently. I do have WiFi enhanced and the smart WiFi plus which is connected to my PlayStation but both don’t seem to be making a difference. It isn’t a device issue as I’ve tested the latency from my phone and laptop over WiFi and I am still getting the same results with the ping going from 20ms or so to several hundred or even 1000ms a couple of times a minute.

i haven’t changed anything in terms of decices within my home network and I understand running an Ethernet cable is ideal but it isn’t possible with my home setup and the wireless connection I had previously was fine. 

I’m not really sure what to do at the moment as I’ve tried changing to WiFi 5, rebooting the hub and although I do have another network engineer visiting soon I was just looking for any advice or if anyone else has had similar issues.


EE Community Support Team

Hi @Ibby21 

Welcome to the community.

Thanks for explaining your problem in such detail. My recommendation would be to continue speaking with our technical support team and engineers so they can try to get to the bottom of what is causing this.

However, we do have some fantastic, knowledgeable broadband experts here in the community who may be able to give you some advice.
