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EE mistake they refuse to rectify

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I apologise in advance for a long post...

We have 2 lines at our home. One of the lines we recently (4th Aug) switched to talk talk, the other is with sky and we wanted to  switch the SKY one to EE.

I spoke to EE well before the switch and gave them the telephone number I wanted switching to them so there was no mistake. Today the switch should have happened.

Apparently instead of switching the SKY line to EE they have (or openreach) have created a new profile at the exchange meaning we now have 3 lines to the property. The also connected the TALK TALK line to this new profile therefore this line is connected to EE where it should have been the sky line.

Neither sky nor talk talk are aware that EE was taking over either line hence the creation of effectively a new line without an actual connection to our property. All the engineer did it seems, was to disconnect the talk talk line and connect it to this new profile.

I was so appalled at the incompetence of EE that I said I wanted to cancel the migration so can you please put it back as it was. They refused as they said there would be no account to action the work against even though it's their fault. Talk talk are refusing to do it as (obviously) it's not their fault.

Incidentally the talk talk line is a welfare line as the person using it is a very vulnerable elderly man with Alzheimer's and has medical equipment that relies on the phone.

I am now left in limbo as I have no talk talk line, no EE line yet 3 lines are reported to be connected to our property.
EE's reply was talk talk will have to take over the line, talk talk's response was get EE to put the wires back.

Can someone please help.

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I know everyone is trying to help and I appreciate enormously the help and insights you have all contributed but I am of the opinion now that unless someone has access to OR or better still an OR engineer I ain't gonna get anywhere by repeating myself or arguing the finer points of exchange equipment and configuration. It was worth a punt as I would have expected at least someone from technical to at least look at this forum from time to time, but alas no. Time to sit back, cancel all my direct debits until someone from some ISP/OR company sticks his head above the parapet and sorts this awful mess out.

Thanks again for all your contributions. 

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Looking back at this thread I see the term "ring out" introduced in has caused some confusion. I take ringing out to mean making a outgoing call from the TT phone at home, but it appears it was meant as ringing in to it, or more precisely its TT no., from outside.

If you think I helped please feel free to hit the "Thumbs Up" button below.

To phone EE CS: Dial Freephone +44 800 079 8586 - Option 1 for Mobile Phone & Mobile Broadband or Option 2 for Home Broadband & Home Phone

ISPs: 1999: Freeserve 48K Dial-Up => 2005: Wanadoo 1 Meg BB => 2007: Orange 2 Meg BB => 2008: Orange 8 Meg LLU => 2010: Orange 16 Meg LLU => 2011: Orange 20 Meg WBC => 2014: EE 20 Meg WBC => 2020: EE 40 Meg FTTC => 2022: EE 80 Meg FTTC (no landline number)

@Profile closed  please do not give up on this - alas it now will not be a quick fix, but it is important not to make it worse.

So cancelling DD's may only result in issues later on. And will not be worth the hassle.

By all means use this thread as evidence and support to future compensation claims.

But please focus now on what can be done to get you back online and working.

So, continue to ask EE what they can do do to support that.

And be nice with your TT fault support ticket - they won't be able to do anything until EE release their claim on the line. So might take a day or two, but do ask EE what the status is on the line.


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At this moment in time I have cancelled the DD for EE. I refuse to pay them a penny until they sort out the issue that they caused. It won't be as much hassle as this has been. The fact they haven't delivered the product I ordered in a correct fashion is proof enough. I have all the emails stating that it's their fault but they will not do anything about it. They are in breach of contract from the get go yet they expect me to pay for that, not a chance.

I have made provision for the elderly gentleman that the phone line was intended for and honestly anything EE can do would pale into insignificance at the side of that.

I'm not going to hassle TT in any way, in fact I'm going to play dumb and say your phone line and BB doesn't work, I'm a customer not a telecoms engineer so what do they expect me to do. I have no beef with TT in fact on day one of their switchover it didn't work as apparently the OR engineer connected our line to someone else. They grabbed the problem by the scruff of the neck and got an OR engineer out on a sunday and they sorted it.

I'm sorry to disagree on this but it sticks in the throat that EE won't follow their own procedures yet they expect me to follow theirs.

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The problem is EE don't have a claim to the line, it's their own profile they have created. TT line is still there just needs some cable.

@Profile closed   to help it is a terminology thing - at the moment EE have control of your line between the exchange and your property.  TT need to regain that bit, they still have control of your number, but do not have a valid path to deliver that number to your telephone. 

That control is the key,  so EE need to cancel control of your line, before TT are able to restore the service .

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No disrespect but that is not what EE have said. They told me to tell TT to book an engineer to swap it back. They are not getting involved in any way, their words not mine.

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This is why it is so frustrating. I, yes I have to tell TT what to do, not them the ones that caused the problem in the first place. And I am supposed to pay them for me to do their job. It's no more mister nice guy anymore, I can be as obtuse as they are. I've never dealt with a firm as bad as they are and in my own little way I'm going to make it as awkward as I can for them.

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I don't profess to know the ins and outs of telecoms/exchanges blah blah and I don't really want to. You wouldn't be the labourer to the builder that putting your wall up and I'm not playing lacky to EE anymore. They can stick their bills where the sun don't shine, I ain't paying it.

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Got this email today...

Good morning Gerald,

Thank you for your email directed to Marc Allera. I am taking this opportunity to respond on his behalf.

Following on from our conversation on Tuesday, you do need to speak with Talk Talk in order to resolve this issue.

As discussed, I have issued a letter of referral so you are able to take your complaint to the Ombudsman Services for independent adjudication. Please allow 3 to 5 working days for this to arrive and you will need to refer to this letter moving forward.

Thank you once again for your letter and I'm sorry that EE is unable to assist any further.

Kind regards,

"Name removed"
Executive Complaints

Fat lot of use that was.