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EE Smart Hub Plus poor range and connection strengh compared to BT Smart Hub 2


Our BT broadband contract came to an end so we've moved fully to EE now and been sent out an EE Smart Hub Plus to replace our BT Smart Hub 2. There seems to be a considerable reduction in range with the new EE box and an unstable or poor wifi connection in parts of the house that were fine with the BT box. All in all it feels like a downgrade, has anyone else had similar issues with the EE boxes? 

I'm tempted just to send it back and stick with the older BT box but not sure if that will cause any issues down the line..


Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

@Monaco24 There does appear to be a complaint regarding the EE hub to the BT hub from people like yourself moving from BT to EE, if BT are not requesting that you send there old hub back, then you can keep it and use it on the EE service, EE only support there equipment, but the BT hub works in both services, the main problem is did you make the move or did BT push you to EE, then the issue is if they request the hub be returned your choice is to comply or not, then take the charge that BT will apply for you not returning there equipment. I don't have a BT super hub2 but from what i see it's a pretty good hub... hope this answer helps.

@JimM11  thanks for the quick response. EE actually moved us over when my wife renewed her mobile contract as our BT contract was due to end within a month. Sounds like it isn't just a case of us getting a dodgy box then if there have been other complaints, we had the same issue with Sky BB which is the whole reason we switched to BT in the first place so I think sticking with the proven BT box is probably a good shout. 

We've had return labels for the BT hub and also an EE addressed label for an EE tv box we requested to return, the return address on both is the same so hopefully they won't care if its new or the old hub we send back to them but I'll give them a call to clarify anyway rather than risk a fine!

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

@Monaco24 Good shout, i would certainly call them, but the question is who, You have found the BT box to be better, stronger signal etc, EE will get there with it's router but it's not there now. Keep us posted how you get on.

Yeah no worries I will update the post once I've had a response from EE / BT in case anyone else is in the same boat

thanks very much

Established Contributor
Established Contributor

I kept my BT Hub, you should be able to return the EE one and keep the one "that works" - just ask one of the MODs on here for help.


Thanks for your comments. After a long wait to get the groundwork completed here in a rural setting (which I had to sort out myself and pay for) I finally got full fibre broadband this week with a Smart Hub Plus taking over from my old BT2. The speed up to about 20 feet from the new hub has gone from 35-500mBPS but the range is disappointing and I have had to use 3 extenders with Ethernet to get WiFi upstairs and through the house with speeds about 60-70. The range isn’t any better than BT2. 

The fast speeds with the EE hub are not matched by its range. No way is it 30 metres as they advertise 

Prodigious Contributor
Prodigious Contributor

@JSACollins Are you using Ethernet backhaul on all your extenders, and are they also from EE, very surprised at the speed's you are having with that arrangement. 30 Meters is pushing it for any wi-fi router.


I'm having the same issue, better WiFi range on the BT hub.

EE are running trials with their new hub but it's not open to any new participants.

Hopefully we can get the new hub when they roll it out.