EE Smart Hub Plus and WiFi Extender discrepencies web page vs EE App


We have just had an EE Smart Hub plus along with a Smart WiFi Plus 2519 (wifi extender) installed. I have had problems with the WiFi reaching an EV charger located externally to the garage.

According to the router web page the EV charger is connected using a 5GHz signal but 2.4GHz according to the EE phone App. This difference appears at the same time. (The EV charger  installation guide does suggest a 2.4GHz configuration).

Also, the WiFi extender shows on the web page zero devices on the WiFi extender but the App shows the charger connected to the extender (which I think is correct).

The EV supplier (British Gas) were looking for both these bits of information.

I am inclined to think the App is likely to be accurate?

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@JohnJamesRooney  its not the first discrepancy that has been found, but yes I agree the app must be correct. Very few devices like EV chargers would run on 5Ghz, they have no need for faster speeds, but may need the greater distance offered by 2.4Ghz. 

Thanks @Mustrum 

I have just come off the phone talking to the BG guy and he confirmed 2.4GHz as you expected.