22-07-2024 03:28 PM
Today I moved over to EE broadband from BT broadband. read all the info, switched of my BT router, installed the EE router and then realised all the phone numbers are kept on the router now. Duh.
So I reinstalled the BT router but too late as all the info had gone so spent the next few hours finding out contact phone numbers and inserting them.
I now find out the BT has put a help page that explains how to export then import numbers etc when swapping routers.
Its a pity nothing was mentioned either on the EE sales phone nor in the installation info about this. Incidently EE only has an option to import data so I wonder what will happen when you need to swap an EE router?
23-07-2024 03:51 PM
Since yesterday I've also found two other problems with the EE NOTsmart hub.
Although you can select various call tones on the handsets for particular callers it doesn't work as the hub doesn't save them like the BT hub did. Whats the point in having relativly expensive handsets with this facility when they don't work as advertised. Both my wife and I found this extremely helpful in hearing who's calling us without having to rush to the phone only for find it's some scam merchant and being in our late 70s/early 80s it's something we shouldn't be doing.
The second thing you can't do is to add a timer to the hub light. On the BT hub I set it to off at 00:00 and on at 08:00 but all you can do is to alter the brightness or set off in the EE hub.
I had the BT hub for 4 years and never had a problem ( haven't sent it back yet ) and I am thinking of putting that back but I wonder if there have been any technical improvments to the EE hub compared to the BT hub. I expect not from above.
I'm going to have a search around to see who I can raise a complaint with on EE
23-07-2024 06:05 PM
@Soliflyer : You can make a formal complaint to EE & if you don't get satisfaction after 8 weeks you can take it to EE's ADR provider. See Complaints code of practice and here is the Complaints Form .
23-07-2024 07:58 PM
@Soliflyer You can use all of your old BT Equipment on the EE service, would expect that you have the BT Smarthub2 so no issue's there, think that the DV system works as before for you, but now you have the experience of one against the other you know what to compare, the EE hub has the newer wifi6 standard, but honestly you would see little improvement against the BT router, so i would not worry about that. You do have to use the EE app with the BT hub, was an issue with parental controls, not sure if that is fixed yet, but the app gets numerous updates all the time, so who knows. You will have to input your DV numbers again, no export on the EE router... If you do put it back, do let EE CS know that you are going to use the BT router and if you have had a request to send it back not sure you would after 4 years, the EE is the one that you will be sending. HTH
13-08-2024 06:54 PM
I made a complaint and basically got nowhere.
The Executive Complaints Department at BT/EE phoned me and the upshot was that we are all Beta testers..
The import of contacts numbers and the storing of different ring tones for callers is on their "To Do" list. There might be an firmware update in "a couple of months" or by Christmas - but they didn't say which year.
I was told to swap back to the old BT kit and keep the new EE kit until the upgrade is released. However the only way to find out if one has been released is to install the EE router and "have a look" at the firmware date. What a farce as they don't release versions numbers or dates so they can't let me (and others?) know.
I am completly dumfounded that BT released a new product that is inferior to the old version. I know it probably has a few technical tweaks but some of the basic stuff was excluded. Whoever thought the Smart Hub Pro was fit for purpost wants reprimanding if not removing from their job.
I worked for BT for 41 years on the technical side and can't beleive this was allowed to happen.
13-08-2024 07:24 PM
@Soliflyer At least you got some info as you would say from the horses mouth. It is a pity, this coming together is a little suspect, EE would have the design aspect, but those coming from BT with the experience of the BT Smarthub2 and the MyBT app have the most difficult transition, they are not apples to apples as router's are functionally different, getting it all to gel together may be a huge task and it does seem like that, you are really in a good position with the fact that you can see how the BT router works on the EE system platform. Speculation is all that we can do, so do not wish to send someone down the wrong path. You may wish to open some dialogue with one of the EE forum support personnel who may be able to keep you in the loop as so to speak.🙄