10-01-2025 01:55 PM
Just moved from Virgin to EE 2 days ok. Managed to connect all other devices to the Wifi except my Epson ET2720 printer (which worked fine on old internet). I have tried everything:
Epson were useless to be honest, just kept getting me to do a hard reset and uninstall and reinstall the drivers.
Hope someone can help!
10-01-2025 02:08 PM
Checked whose password setting? You might try changing the router's Security Type to WPA2.
10-01-2025 02:12 PM
We have the SH+, rather than the Pro , but our aged Epson 442 (sited upstairs for space reasons) connected fine via WPS on the 5 GHz band.
No help, I know.
How far away from the hub is it? Could environmental factors impact the house wifi? Does your package (what fibre plan is it?) come with extenders? Is it feasible to try an Ethernet connection?
Lastly, I believe there’s some sort of “compatibility” mode for older gear on 2.4 GHz, if that’s what your printer is.
Hopefully someone with a better idea than me will chip in. But do advise re above, as that will help them.
10-01-2025 02:49 PM
@lauramarsh33 Printer only supports to WPA2 as in the manual.
10-01-2025 07:35 PM
The printer is upstairs - wasn’t sure if it was too far away so tried downstairs next to the hub. Still had same problems.
in terms of password I have WPA3 personal transition which will allow wpa2 for older devices.
10-01-2025 07:46 PM
@lauramarsh33 is wpa2 not an option on the router?
10-01-2025 08:11 PM
Yes I think it is. I thought the option I had would allow wpa2 devices to work. I’ll try changing the option tomorrow and see if that helps.
10-01-2025 08:42 PM
@lauramarsh33 The EE Smarthub+ WPA2 - Personal has been rock solid, been about for a long time and certainly worth a try, that is the max that your printer supports.👍
11-01-2025 12:06 PM
I've just checked my hub settings and I can't change the password security to WPA2 - there is no option for that. Only WPA3 and WPA3 personal transition.
11-01-2025 12:09 PM
@lauramarsh33 Does your router have the compatible mode of operation that can be set up?