29-09-2024 05:47 PM
I've been tasked with setting up a new network for my mother. Hub took 10 minutes to install and sort, but the landline is seeming to be impossible.
She has 2 existing BT HD phones that were connected to the old hub and we need connected to the new one. These are completely wireless and have no ports for a phone line or wps button. I can't figure out how to get them to connect. Twice they have, without my instruction, tried looking for a network but haven't been able to connect even though they are in range.
We were sent a home adaptor but it doesn't seem to want to pair to the hub. Constant flashing green light despite multiple attempts at WPS pairing. And even if it did connect the instructions say you need to connect it to the phone via a cable, but as I said before I have no cable and no port to put it in.
Any help is appreciated as mother doesn't have a mobile and relies on the landline a lot.
29-09-2024 06:02 PM - edited 29-09-2024 06:07 PM
@Char127 The first question is has the package from EE set to include the DV in with the router that is supplied, e-mail would confirm this, if i was you would put the BT hub back on, that router stores all the information of contacts on the router, the handset's are completely dumb. You can back up and restore on the BT router, but the EE only has a restore function. will get you to the hub manager of both devices, left hand side phone box if not configured then you are not going anywhere quickly. If the EE router is not set for DV then you are in for an uphill struggle, BT and EE router's both work on the EE service.
The not pairing is a sure sign that it may be completely forgot about. When was the change over to go active from BT to EE?
Also in Home Services, drop down, you will see Digital Home Phone, there is a you tube video, explaining it all for you to watch.
Forget the home adapter, if you do not have a phone you can plug into it, then it is useless....
29-09-2024 06:11 PM - edited 29-09-2024 06:30 PM
@Char127 You will not be the first that this has happened too, so check out the post's in the home phone section. If relied upon for home phone the best advice i can give you just now is PUT THE BT ROUTER BACK ON ASAP.
Link below what another user had to do, see the de-register / re-register operation.