Wrong phone discription on account


My phone says iphone 13 but I have a Samsung 


Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

Have you recently changed your phone?


Sometimes the system can show the wrong phone for a time. If this is the case, the system eventually catches up and shows the correct device/phone. 

EE Community Support Team

Hi @Joe23 


Thanks for coming to the community 🙂


The device details will update for you in due course if you continue to log into the My EE app on the EE network.


Our Mobile Care team have details of which device you are using, and this won't affect any details within your app.



Mine’s been the wrong phone description on the account for well over a year; the EE shop said this would change within a few weeks, but still hasn’t. I’ve called about this before and told it would be changed and have given up now!!! 
Guessing it’s not a priority thing or just not thought of as an issue? If so, why even have the phone type shown?