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Upgrade link missing


Has anybody lost the upgrade link in the app when they have asked for a pac code, seems to me that once you ask for a code, ee get a sad on and do not try to keep you on there network. 

Ace Contributor
Ace Contributor

Hi @Taylor0295 ,


I believe this is for your own benefit and to stop you shooting yourself in the foot.


The guidance I've seen on here is that you need to wait for the PAC to expire before you can upgrade.


This is because if you upgrade and contractually agree to a minimum term contract with Early Termination Charge within those 30 days, and then subsequent to signing that contract you use your PAC with another service provider and the brand new EE contract were to become cancelled, you would become legally and contractually liable for a huge Early Termination Charge of the entire contract.

Contract SIM: Plan | Data | Usage | Check Status | Abroad | Chat | SMS | APN | PM
Wired: Check Speed | Test Socket | Faults | |
EE Community Manager
EE Community Manager

Hi @Taylor0295,


Welcome to the EE Community. 🙂


If you would like to upgrade, please get in touch with Customer Care to cancel your PAC.


They'll be happy to help.

