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Still waiting


I've been trying since 25 may, still waiting for number to come over..

I guess that ee doesn't want new customers.

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@gayle6   Im assuming you used the online form to request this ?  If you did I would call customer services and give them the PAC code as it should take no longer than 24 hours to migrate excluding weekends.   When you call please be patient as customer services are extremely busy because of the current situation,  just don’t hang up. 

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.
EE Community Support Team

Hi @gayle6


Thanks for coming here.


Did you complete the online number transfer form?


If so, have you had a text or email to confirm your request?


Also, is your other network SIM card still working?


Speak to you soon 🙂



Hi. I actually phoned up because I couldn't find form on phone.


I have called back from my other personal phone as I'm not paying 25p min, I've now been told my PAC is invalid.


So back to square one.


No worries if you lose my twenty year +. Phone number I guarantee I won't ever come over.


I'm disgusted that it's gone from ok take couple days to now invalid.


So I will try tomorrow and if no joy I will go back to previous network.


Ty for responding.

Hi. I actually phoned up because I couldn't find form on phone.


I have called back from my other personal phone as I'm not paying 25p min, I've now been told my PAC is invalid.


So back to square one.


No worries if you lose my twenty year +. Phone number I guarantee I won't ever come over.


I'm disgusted that it's gone from ok take couple days to now invalid.


So I will try tomorrow and if no joy will go back to previous network.


Ty for responding.

EE Community Support Team

Hi @gayle6


Thanks for coming back to me.


I am very sorry to hear this.


How long ago did you get the PAC from the other network?


Thanks 🙂



I got my PAC code on 25th may valid 30 days.

I have spoken to three they have told me my number should have gone over by now.

So who cocked it up, you have had my PAC and I've lost my number I've had over twenty years.

This is really bad service.

EE Community Support Team

Good Morning @gayle6


When you have a moment, please take a look at your inbox


Speak soon, 


Katie 🙂