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05-11-2021 10:18 AM
Does anyone know if the new double data offer will apply to packs bought with an existing PAYG sim? The T&Cs seem to suggest they would, but when I click 'change pack' in the app, only the normal data is shown, not the double amounts.
Thanks in advance.
30-11-2021 01:12 PM
No, as long as you connected over the mobile network, which a call does.
30-11-2021 01:28 PM
so I am still none the wiser :-
Pack purchased on 28th Nov, calls made on 29th & 30th Nov, which have reduced my allowance - so sim is activated
Data allowance is showing a 5GB + initial 50MB, no data used yet, but a further 5Gb is promised as part of the £10 pack, do I need to use some data before extra data is applied
30-11-2021 01:44 PM
Hi @Roberts8889
Thanks for coming to the community.
Can you text BALANCE to 150 and let me know the reply?
Thanks 🙂
30-11-2021 01:59 PM
Text Balance the reply was -
Current Balance is £0.00,
495 mins and unlimited texts
5.0GB remaining
30-11-2021 02:11 PM
Thanks @Roberts8889
If you get in touch with our Pay as you go team they will get this looked into for you 🙂
Let me know how you get on.
30-11-2021 02:21 PM
Thats great !!
Call to PAYG cost 25p, this is not right
EE are advertising a sim pack offer, the details of which nobody seems to be aware of
Not happy
30-11-2021 02:32 PM
Hi @Roberts8889
Thanks for coming back to me.
I've sent you a private message on here for some extra details.
30-11-2021 05:28 PM
Hi @Roberts8889 ,
For the benefit of the community, I thought I would record what I currently see at
This is probably not related to the "Christmas Double Data Offer" which is the topic of this thread but it seems to be the tangent the thread has taken.
Unwrap double data for up to three months
Receive an amazing amount of data with selected pay as you go packs. Just buy and activate your first pack before 27 January 2022, and you'll receive double data for up to three months.
How does the double data offer work?
When you buy and activate an eligible pay as you go pack before 27 January 2022, you’ll get double data for that month and you’ll be able to get double data on the next two packs you buy.
Eligible packs are £10, £15 and £20. If you move to an invalid pack, you’ll no longer receive double data.
Double data: Activate your SIM within 7 days of purchase and no later than 27.01.2022 to start receiving extra data. Receive extra data the first three times you purchase the same pack or a pack at a higher value. Extra 5GB of data on a £10 Pack, 15GB on a £15 Pack and 30GB on a £20 Pack. Extra data will not roll over. You must purchase your 3rd pack before 28.05.2022 to receive extra data on all 3 packs. You have up to 30 days to renew your pack or you will no longer be eligible for this offer and will lose your extra data benefits. If you fail to use your SIM for 180 days, you will be disconnected from the network. Further terms apply, see
30-11-2021 05:32 PM
@mikeliuk : But is is so related!
01-12-2021 02:49 PM
Hello Leanne_T,
I cannot locate the private message that you sent, how was it sent ?