Apps being restricted on Android APN but not iPhone?




I got a issue where streaming from my Home PC to my phone is being restrticted on Android mobile and one app being blocked.

Example; Rainway.


When launching rainway on S21/S10, its unbale to connect to PC

Put my SIM into my Iphone 7, Rainway works no issues.


If i turn my on VPN on my android phone while connect to EE, Rainway works.

If I connect to work wifi - rainway works.


APN settings have been reset on phone.


So, any idea why apps being blocked on Android APN mobile data?






I did do some research on EE site and they do provide APN settings for Android but iphone APN are not listed, as these as controlled by EE directly (going off


A lad I work with, he just got a Oppo EE phone in the last 2 weeks and he has the same issue - launch rainway app on phone and it cannot connect but turn VPN on the phone, it works.


What did find find out, if I we connect to each other Hoptspot, rainway works  and our data speeds increase by 3-5mbs. (this has really got us confused)

So I/we ran a speed tets on our phones; I get 11mb download & 4mbs up, he runs same speedtest connect to my phone hotspot, he geta an average, 15 down & 5.5 up (4 tests ran).

I ordered a Vodafone sim to try and see whats happens.  If i have no issue with Vodafone, then I know its EE systems and if I do have issues, then its Android 11 (some how).




And a big shoutout for EE supporting NHS staff with extra data allowance.

Missed this comment on the above APN link:

Some websites that claim to be IPv6 compliant don't work on EE 4g unless you set the phone to run IPv4 only (in the APN settings).   Examples of affceted websites are and and the qustodio app.  There are many more.


I am no expert, but it seems to me that it would be useful if EE 4g would 'automatically drop down' from IPv6 to IPv4 if a website fails to work on IPv6.

Wonder if that why I been having issues? (Android handles IPv differantly than Iphones?)

Created new APN set to only use IPv4 and it works with no issues! 🙂

So iphones on EE and Vodafone must be set to use IPv4 - very interresting.
And my speed gone up (but that could just timeing and other factors) Screenshot_20210222-040922_Speedtest.jpg

EE Community Star
EE Community Star

@GGMan   iPhones use IPv6 over IPv4 and users of EE have issues changing to IPv4 with the iPhone.  I can send you a profile to force IPv4 on iPhones.  

To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone.

Thanks but I got no issues on the iPhone, it was just Android phones that were not working correctly.