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I received my new iphone its not working properly


I received  my phone in January  this year but unfortunately  you device is not working properly even there is always  suddenly  single gone I got Insurance  but thing is that if you send me device  and it is defective than you have replaced  that device. Because  I already  pay a lot of money even I loss a lot money from that reasons  because of it I lost my good jobs.


EE Community Support Team

Hi @Ash712 

Thanks for posting. 

The image shows the device is in airplane mode, can you try taking off airplane mode, does this show signal? 


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Star Contributor

@Leanne_T I don't think it's in aeroplane mode, that is showing that it has satellite connection and 1 bar of mobile signal.


@Ash712what exactly is the issue you are having that leads you to believe it is defective?



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EE Community Support Team

Thanks @Alex_M 

Sorry my mistake, @Ash712 if the device is not in airplane mode and no signal is showing, are you able to try the SIM card in another phone? 


EE Community Star
EE Community Star

Hi @Ash712 

Are you in the UK? 

Your insurance policy will say if your replacement will be new for old or refurbished handset. 


To contact EE Customer Services dial 150 From your EE mobile or 0800 956 6000 from any other phone. You can call Freephone +44 800 079 8586 on Skype

EE standard opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm - Saturday and Sunday, 8am to 8pm.

basically there is not any single bar of reception even i bought this phone in january and after some time like with in two weeks i was facing problem like bad reception phone became too hot some time it’s automatically turned off. and i did alot of complaints to ee technical team and stuff after wasting my time they said there is device problem and stuff . but i got fully covered insurance as well when i buy the insurance they was saying when you lost or stolen you phone than you have to pay excess fees but now they are saying if you want replace you phone than you have to pya excess fees . please let me know they send me defected phone now they are saying we can’t replace your phone if you want than you have to pay excess fees . all faults are their but i can’t under stand what i can do now . My all work i only do on phone i spend alot money every month i give them 100 pound . she was too rude with me today early morning. 

Yes i tried everything swap sim . reset metwork settings all stuff

yes i’m in uk , i got fully covered insurance but they are asking me to pay excess fees for replacement. why would i use pay for that thing which they send me defective phone 

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Star Contributor

@Ash712 @Could you confirm that you have tried another sim in your device, and that doesn’t work either?

What does it say in Settings > Mobile Service under ‘Network Selection’ - Does it say EE or EE WiFi Call or something else?


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Either way you don’t need to claim on any insurance as the phone is also covered by AppleCare automatically for a year, so Apple will repair it for a small fee.

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 To speak to EE, call 150 from your EE mobile or +44 800 079 8586 (freephone) or start a live chat.
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