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Ee, disability supoort



  • My phone screen stopped working. Ee sent me round thehosudes about repair and replacement. I informed them of disabikjttand health conditions. Pushed myself to go to store which has flared conditions to curenelt not being able to leave the houze-. When getting the loan phone I told them the screen was glitching was dismissed. The phone is not working properly impacing essential disability and health related communications. As a result am without working phone which need for telehealth apps. From an ethical perspective ee need to provide me accessible ways to get a working phone and repair for what has happened . Earlier in the year due to not unlocking the phone on their side despife me callinf several timws ee again put me in an unsafe position. As a disabled person this is not an ok experience.
EE Community Support Team

Hi @Zuswr 

Welcome to the community.

I'm sorry to hear of your experience with this. I've sent you a private message to try and get you some help. Could you take a look at your community inbox and get back to me please?
