13-10-2022 12:59 PM
I'm wondering if is any differences between apple watch plans. If i buy the watch from ee there is option for 4gb data and unlimited.
If i buy the watch from Apple i have options as 30months rolling contract for £7 10gb and if i know well there is for £5 10gb 12month contract.
Is there any difference between these plans?
Both is gonna work in the same way and will use the same number what i have with EE?
13-10-2022 06:06 PM
08-08-2023 01:56 AM
What I don’t get is why aren’t there plans that share call, texts AND data with your phone? Why does my watch need to have an independent data allowance? I just want my watch to work if I leave my phone at home, for emergencies. £7 per month seems a little steep for that.
08-08-2023 07:45 AM
Hi @Darrenic
Your watch would need a data connection for that specific scenario. So that you can go out without your phone and have access to alerts and watch features. It's very popular with runners, cyclists etc.
08-08-2023 12:13 PM
Hi Chris,
You misunderstand, your Apple Watch cellular plans share your my phones texts and call minutes, so why can I not share my phones data as well. It seems that adding extra data is just an excuse to charge more money. I mean what benefit is it for ME to have independent data as opposed to sharing data I have already paid for and very rarely use?
08-08-2023 12:29 PM
The Apple Watch plan is £7 and let's you share your phone's call and text allowances, with 10GB allowances when outside of Bluetooth range of your phone, as you said.
There aren't any standalone plans. I know you have said your phone plan is unlimited data, but that isn't the case for all customers. It's a separate allowance of data for the watch.
08-08-2023 01:46 PM
@Darrenic If you was to add a tablet to your account that tablet will have its own data allowance it’s the same for the watch, the Watch has nothing todo with your phone tariff except you can use your call/text allowance on that watch. The Watch connection needs a data connection to work and you’re paying for that connection and that connection gets its own data allowance.